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  1. A

    greenish rainbow sheen???

    Okay hopefully my pic looks okay if it even added it. Ok so my angel fish has grown alot and it used to be all black. Now that he has gotten big I noticed he is kinda striped but I also noticed he was getting a sheen on him im worried about my fish my goromi looks faded too he used to look alot...
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    Dead Angel fish

    thanks for the concern guys :) i think im gonna have to go to petco for the master water testing kit and sadly i will have to wait till tomorrow cuz fiance didnt get out of work till pretty late so we did get these from someone that had the 2 angel fish for 4 months so the water should of been...
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    Dead Angel fish

    I just noticed my poor angel fish is dead I have too the smaller one didnt make it they were the fist two in the tank when we got it a couple weeks ago i'm pretty upset about this and i wanted to get a opinion if maybe it has something asap so i can treat the tank i'm pretty new to having fish i...
  4. my poor fish

    my poor fish

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