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  1. J

    Newbie with sick Betta needs help please!

    I normally do at least 50% change every 2 weeks. I checked water parameters and this was the only one that seemed like it might be out of whack a bit so added 6 drops to his 5 gal tank. Normal dose is 2 drops per gallon... I am at a loss as to what to do for him. The meds don't seem to be...
  2. J

    Newbie with sick Betta needs help please!

    Hello All, I am new to this forum and will post pictures and info of my 55 gal tank soon. Tonight I am in need of help with my male Betta. We have had him about 18 months or so and until a few weeks ago no problems at all. He is a very social boy, comes and plays in the front corner anytime we...
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