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  1. gabetonik

    Help please.-___-

    Ok i have a five gallon tank 10 wattCFL 6500k fluval stratum substrate with flourish tabs in there and i dose everyday with flourish excel.I have some dwarf hairgrass spread around and I wanted to know if this good enough to make the hair grass spread to a carpet.If not than what should i do?
  2. gabetonik

    Dwarf hairgrass question

    Ok i got a 5 gallon tank and i added dwarf hairgrass. Substrate is fluval plant stratum i use co2 and fertz. My light is a 13 watt 5000k compact florecent bulb. Is the lighting enough to keep my hair grass to grow and prosper?
  3. gabetonik

    Help please im curious

    So im very interested in dwarf hair grass but my only main concern is my lighting. What lighting do you recomend for a five gallon tank to keep the hair grass alive and growing? I would love lot of ideas and feedback thank you
  4. gabetonik

    Plant Questions

    First question. Dwarf Baby Tears( Hemianthus callitrichoides ) What kinda lighting should be used and what other requirements are needed for good growth? Second question. How hard is it to grow dwarf hair grass ?
  5. gabetonik

    My betta D:

    what kind of betta is he????>_____<
  6. gabetonik

    What kind of betta is he

    help identify please
  7. gabetonik

    identify my betta please

    he is still young. I got him from the halfmoon section but he looks like a rosetail im not sure
  8. gabetonik

    What kinda betta is this???

    i got him today at my local aquarium.he was in the halfmoon betta section .hes still young but his tail looks like a rosetail idk?
  9. gabetonik

    beta tails???

    My beta gluttony has a decent sized tail he is a crowntail beta but I want to know if his tail will grow long and flowing and how fast do they grow and is there a limit on how long they can grow
  10. gabetonik

    help please

    My Beta seems to have the scales on his lower jaw and stomach ether fading or they are falling of and in concerns me.everyday it seems the that whole spot is getting lighter .He is in a 10 gallon tank with a filter and heater with plants by himself .
  11. gabetonik

    Is my beta sick?.

    He is swimming Perfectly and energetic and doesn't have a problem eating but I'm not sure if it's me being paranoid or the area around his head is beginning to become faded. So I need some feedback if everything is ok or not and what I should do.
  12. gabetonik

    new tank setup for my betta

    ok I just setup my 10 gallon tank with a heater ,filter,gravel ,three plants .I added water conditioner yesterday at the right amount so what I want to know is when is it ok to add a my Betta to the tank and if I am missing anything else for my tank?
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