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  1. D

    Trigger is very active...even erratic

    What type of Trigger is it? There are several that have weird lateral lines near the tail fin. As far as the errattic swimming goes, maybe it is just freaked out by the new surroundings(no QT acclimation, bright lights)
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    June Saltwater Photo Contest

    Also known as the Ocellated Lionfish and the Twinspot Lionfish...and technically known as Dendrochirus biocellatus. Looks like a runaway!
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    Creepy Photos

    Glad you liked it... That is the same picture twice. I'm still kind of new to this site. If that is what you want to see here are a few more of some inverts stuffing their "faces" :P
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    Creepy Photos

    One man's trash is another's treasure... these pics are more than likely "creepy" to you guys but fairly commonplace around here. There are other beautiful invertebrates besides corals.
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    Good or Bad Skimmer?

    I also have the remora with a the MJ1200 and it is working great. I have had it set up for about two weeks and I have to dump the cup out almost every other day. I'm not to pleased with how the PH looks just hanging there though. Does it look any better(or work) with the Rio 800? I geuss I...
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    Calcium deposits? on hood glass....

    Out of all the weekly maint. tasks that need to be performed cleaning the hood glass didn't make it on my list for a while there. Now I have some calc deposits or something that will NOT come off with aquarium safe cleaner. Any homemade concoctions or other products that you guys use for stuff...
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    QT tank

    If you don't need lighting or typical hood, what type of covering do you use? I'd like it to be pretty tight for an eel but need to be able to attach HOB filter.
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    In my opinion they work fine but I don't like the attachment parts. My LFS recommended it as the best for my 55 gal at 295 I have that and a Maxi-jet 900. The Maxi-jets have the best parts for hanging or sticking to the glass. I wish I would've known before. Penguin also looks a...
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    Testing the waters......

    ites and amm have been consistently reading 0.00 (Rock was partially cured in store tank). ates are still hovering at about 5 -10 ppm. LFS guy said it was safe to add to my established tank......wondering what you guys think. Thanks in Advance, Derek
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    Salt mix question?

    No answer again, huh? Maybe if I bump it up. p.s. Has anyone ever tried mixing different types of sea salts to get more of a balance with different elements?
  11. D

    Sea-Lab Formula 28.....

    I'm assuming no one here has ever seen this. The LFS gal told me to drop one in my tank and if it started dissolving right away then I needed it bad. She said she puts one per tank every month or so. Anyway, let me know if you guys know anything about this.
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    Sea-Lab Formula 28.....

    I'm assuming no one here has ever seen this. The LFS gal told me to drop one in my tank and if it started dissolving right away then I needed it bad. She said she puts one per tank every month or so. Anyway, let me know if you guys know anything about this.
  13. D

    Sea-Lab Formula 28.....

    is a mixture of naturally occurring buffer compounds that maintains natural ocean concentrations of calcium, strontium, and all 15 essentail trace elements..." This is a big white block(kinda like weekly feeders) that will supposedly balance the elements in your tank. I have only seen it at...
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    What Books to Read Before Getting Started on Salt Water Tank

    I started with "The New Marine Aquarium" and also got "The Conscientious Marine Aquarist" and pretty much go back and forth between the two. There is good set up info in both. If there are any better books (primarily for FOWLR) I'd also like to know what they are.
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    Adding skimmer during acclimation?

    Well so much for that. Took a trip to the LFS this morning and found the Undulate near dead in the display. Poor li'l bugga. If I come across another "perfect" fish I guess I'll go ahead and use the QT! Thanks for the info
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    Salt mix question?

    I start off with the 1/2cup per gallon method and let it sit. It gets pretty close but then I usually have to add like one more full cup to get it to 1.025. I also use IO but I am now wanting to get a 200gal bucket. If I get that much I want the best kind. Oceanic seems to be a very good...
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    Are there nay type of good clean up critters that do go well with Triggers?
  18. D

    Testing the waters......

    I have been doing tests on my tank since late January and I have always gotten the same results save for maybe a tiny bit higher (5.0ppm) Nitrate result. This led me to believe that maybe these tests were a bit off however everything seemed going smooth enough. Well, today I tested my curing...
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    Adding skimmer during acclimation?

    Well, I had asked about other types of fish that may be suitable in a previous thread. A snowflake moray and a zebra lionfish, after knocking it around I figured that the lionfish's ins may not go well with the Undulate. What else may be suitable?
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    Adding skimmer during acclimation?

    Here's more info that may help..........since I will now be adding larger, "dirtier" eaters I started curing 20 more pounds of LR in my QT. Otherwise I would definitely use. I just figured since it was the first that it wouldn't be that big of a deal. Would this be alright, pay for the fish...
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    Adding skimmer during acclimation?

    This has a bit to do with being impatient so if I need to be talked out of it go ahead and do so. At the same time be honest and don't just say "Wait". I ordered my Aqua C Remora hang-on today (after hearing so many great things on this site) and it won't get here 'til sometime next week. The...
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    Advice on this stock list

    Thanks for the help fishfreek, I'm assuming since you didn't jump down my throat about it being overstocked that this combo should be fine. By the time everything is ready to go the domino should be able to hold his own but I may need to lose the Blue Devil. hey johnkristie, 1 down 3 to go...
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    Advice on this stock list

    Going for a somewhat aggressive tank but with smaller guys in my 55 gal FOLR tank. Does this sound like overstock: *Undulate or Picasso Trigger (Balistapus undulatus) (Rhinecanthus aculeatas) *Snowflake Moray Eel (Echidna nebulosa) *Zebra or Deepwater Lionfish (Dendrochirus zebra)...
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    What is your favorite saltwater fish?

    Aquarium: Garibaldi Achilles Tang Powder Blue Tang Blue Ribbon Eel Emperor Angel Green Mandarin Leafy Sea Dragon Oceanic: Flamboyant cuttlefish Hairy Angler
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    Profile Requests

    Picasso Trigger - I've got some conflicting information and would like to get down to the nitty gritty on this one
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