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  1. C

    Upgrading have questions

    Needing some help with a stocking list for the 75g reef tank now, any thoughts? Also has anyone tried the JBJ Oceanstream with 2 1600gph powerheads? I've been considering them but would like some input on them first.
  2. C

    Upgrading have questions

    That's how i was leaning in my thoughts what kind of lighting would you recommend for a 75g reef?
  3. C

    Upgrading have questions

    hello currently i have a 29g reef tank set up atm. My wife decided ti get me a 90g tank to upgrade to for Christmas, yay early Christmas, and at the same time a friend gave us a 75g tank. With that in mind i plan to do one a fowlr. And the other a reef, just wondering which you would chose to do...
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