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  1. rudythemonster

    Dinosaur Bichir tankmates?

    I've had two Senegal Bichits for over 6 months now. They're both about 9 inches long. I have had them with 2 three spot gouramis, 2 angels, 6 tiger barbs and 2 rainbows. They were living together in 55 gallon. Recently I moved everything to a 75 gal and added 2 high-fin mollies (large about...
  2. rudythemonster

    Barb Tank Idea

    Rosy barbs will add color too. Especially when the males reach maturity.
  3. rudythemonster

    New 20G tank, stocking advice please

    Red-tail - 6 inches Gourami - 6 inches (Unless it's a dwarf) Angel fish - 5-6 inches Bristlenose pleco - 12 inches! He'd need a much bigger tank if he's planning to get adult fish. 1 Red-tail, 1 gourami, 2 angel fish and 1 pleco would be a good option which is a total of 36 inches and they'd...
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