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  1. KPCustoms

    Snails bad

    Have a 30 gallon nano cube that I am currently using for freshwater it is currently infested with hundreds of snails they just appeared one day. I was wondering what is the best way to kill the snails without hurting the fish. There is a blue orange gourami, 5 tetras 3 zebra danios and 1 gold...
  2. KPCustoms

    tank overheating

    I have a 29 gallon nano cube which is an closed in tank. it has a metal halide bulb and 4 moonlight bulbs for the lighting. its ment for saltwater but running as fw because dont have the money to convert it. the heater i have in it is set to 72 but the tank reaches 84 every day. i have tried...
  3. KPCustoms

    Beta changeing colors

    I have has this beta for about 2 months now and when I got him he was completely pearlescent. But in 2 months he has become mostly blue. I was wondering is this normal or do I just has a weird fish here is a pic of him now
  4. KPCustoms

    Platy pregnant?

    I noticed my platt today has kind of a bulge in her belly she seems to stay inside the plant all day and doesn't move very much.
  5. KPCustoms

    Shrimp or pleco?

    Just got my 20 gallon tall up and I have 5 red eye tetras, a baby rainbow shark, 5 yellow something's ill upload a pic, and 4 baby tiger barbs. I have a medium grain sand substraight and some fake plants. Should I go with like a common Pleco or get some shrimp. And will the rainbow shark eat the...
  6. KPCustoms

    20 gallon ciclid

    I have a 20 gallon and I want to start my first cichlid tank and I know I will be limited by the size of the tank but what would be a good cichlid starter?
  7. KPCustoms

    Planning 60 gallon

    Am planing to upgrade from my 28 gallon nano cube to a 60 gallon freshwater tank. I'm thinking of turning my nano cube into a nano reef and transfering everything in my 28 into the 60. I want the 60 to be a planted tank and it will have a big piece of driftwood. So I was wondering what kind of...
  8. KPCustoms

    Tanins and brown water

    I have my 28 gallon nano cube and I got a really big piece of wood one that won't fit into a pot so I can't boil all the tanins out but it was in a garbage can for 6 weeks every week changing the water and when I put it in my tank at first it was clear that was about a month ago and now it's...
  9. KPCustoms

    red clawed crab and clams?

    i have 2 red clawed crabs in my 28 gallon tank and i wanted to get some clams, would the crabs eat the clams?
  10. KPCustoms

    Crab id

    I got these guys from my brother and have no idea what they are and what they are compatable with, I wanted to get some freshwater clams
  11. KPCustoms

    Beta mad

    O In my 28 gallon nano cube I have 5 black skirt tetras, 3 guppies, 3 platys, and a crown tail beta. When I came home last night my beta which is normally really nice was attacking everything it got close to all of my parameters are normal but I put a new piece of driftwood that had been soaking...
  12. KPCustoms

    bristle nose pleco

    i have had my tank for about a month and i ave a nice piece of driftwood in my tank it is cycled and i have 5 black skirt tetras, 3 guppies, 3 platys, and 3 zebra danios, and i was wondering how long it would be befor i could get a bristle nose pleco?
  13. KPCustoms

    glo fish in CA?

    i live in california and i really like the glo fish but it says they are illegal because they are geneticaly modified fish. is there anyone else in california been able to get around this law?
  14. KPCustoms

    Fish stuck

    It seems like every time I get new fish one of them gets stuck in the weirdest places and doesn't make it do I just have bad luck or is it something else
  15. KPCustoms

    Got my driftwood and shell in :D

    now I just have to get more then 4 danios in there
  16. KPCustoms

    Beach Rocks?

    so i am running my jbj 28 gallon nano cube as a FW set up and i live right by the beach and the other day i found some rocks that had really nice color to them and i want to use them in my tank. so i was wondering what the process would be to make the rocks safe. do i boil them or just rinse...
  17. KPCustoms

    Sea water?

    So I live in California and I like like 30 minutes away from the pacific ocean. I was wondering could I use water straight from the ocean after it is warmed up to use for a salt water tank?
  18. KPCustoms

    temp dropping!!!!!!!!

    so i just started a fish in cycle in my tank yesterday and i had the temperature at 78 degrees and i woke up this morning and it is down to 68.9 i am freaking out and i have no idea what to do.:eek:
  19. KPCustoms

    Yay cycling

    I finally got my tank started now just need to find a good piece of drift wood
  20. KPCustoms

    Is anyone from either san louis county or san jose CA

    i was wondering if anyone had some black phantom tetras, congo tetras, or crown tail betta for sale?
  21. KPCustoms

    FW stocking ideas

    i have a FW 28 gallon nano cube and i want 5 congo tetras, 1 neon dwarf gourami, 2 red cherry shrimp, 4 black phantom tetras, and 1 dojo loach. are these all compatible. and if i went with all the fish but substituted the dojo loach for a pleco. what kind of pleco could i get?
  22. KPCustoms

    jbj 28 gallon nano cube hqi?

    i was wondering is anyone else has this tank and how many hours do you run the day light and how many hours do you run the night light? i am using it for freshwater.
  23. KPCustoms

    clean up crew?

    do i need a clean up crew for a freshwater 28 gallon set up or is the one pleco going to be enough?
  24. KPCustoms

    FW plant or not

    i have a 28 gallon nano cube which has day and night lights. i was wondering what the benefits are to a planted tank as opposed to a non planted tank are and is it worth the money to get the plants and mud and stuff?
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