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  1. darkprincess

    Fw planted tank substrate?

    I decided to turn my nano tank into a planted tank. I use to have a 75 gallon fully planted tank years ago and used gravel. Does anyone have any suggestions on substrate? I'd really like to use black sand, but didn't know how root systems would hold up in it. Thanks!
  2. darkprincess

    chocolate chip starfish

    No worries. Not a reef tank
  3. darkprincess

    chocolate chip starfish

    It died not I meant carrying it about 18 inches away and up glass to eat it?
  4. darkprincess

    chocolate chip starfish

    No I know it wasn't. It was sick. I died and got lodged between rocks.
  5. darkprincess

    chocolate chip starfish

    I noticed this morning my starfish found a dead fish, and carried it up the glass to munch on it. Unusual?
  6. darkprincess

    help with seahorse tank start up

    Hey everyone I'm thinking about starting a dwarf seahorse tank. I'm looking at a 15 gallon column tank. Any suggestions? I have an in-tank brine shrimp hatchery I intend to use for a constant supply of live food
  7. darkprincess

    29gl new build tank.

    It looks like hair algae. Get a clean IL crew pack. Hermit crabs and snails and such depending on your inhabitants
  8. darkprincess

    my mothers day gift

    Yes I had plenty of rock and pods...unfortunately my bi color killed him in three days. :(
  9. darkprincess

    Skimmer for biocube needed!

    There's a skimmer made specifically for it. I got mine at Petco for 53.00. Ended up returning it though.
  10. darkprincess

    my mothers day gift

    Finally got one! Crossing my fingers that she does well. I doses with pods so hopefully they reproduce...
  11. darkprincess

    We just got a fuzzy dwarf lionfish.

    Yeah fuzzies don't move much. How's he doing now?
  12. darkprincess

    3 spot damsel

    You're welcome! Be careful cuz they can love them to death.
  13. darkprincess

    3 spot damsel

    Damsels are anemone fish. They are in the same family as clown fish. It's normal.
  14. darkprincess

    Snail forgot name?

    Margarita coralline snail. I have 3 of them.
  15. darkprincess

    Crab ID. Please help!!

    I've come to realize big claws =bad crabs...
  16. darkprincess

    Florida fighting conch

    Mine has a Sharp pointy tip and its got jagged barbs
  17. darkprincess

    Best Fish for a 28 Gallon Jbj

    Cool. Thanks for the info.
  18. darkprincess

    white clusters under rock?

    That was my guess too
  19. darkprincess

    Best Fish for a 28 Gallon Jbj

    On the upside, I can trade her in for a profit!! Worst case scenario. I will have a 200 gallon within a year.
  20. darkprincess

    white clusters under rock?

    Found these lines of white dots when I cleaned out my nano. It houses hermits and a few snail's. And a couple of camel back shrimp. Any ideas?
  21. darkprincess

    Florida fighting conch

    I tried to get a pic of the barb. It's at a bad angle
  22. darkprincess

    freshwater dip for ich...comments?

    I did. I have two tanks. Lok
  23. darkprincess

    freshwater dip for ich...comments?

    Thanks for the update. I pulled the three baby corals I had in it anyway because my butterfly was attacking them relentlessly
  24. darkprincess

    Best Fish for a 28 Gallon Jbj

    I just got a tiny baby royal tang. She's in my 29 Biocube. BEFORE everyone flips out on me, its not permanent! I will be getting a much much larger tank in the future. She's the size of a quarter, so u can get baby fishes! Lol
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