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  1. trueblu8

    Eco Complete Rough for Cories?

    Thanks for the quick reply. What brand of algae wafers do you feed? I just put in a hikari algae wafer the other day and it is all gone! Usually I put it in a little dish or something because there will always be leftovers and I don't want to pollute the tank or anything but this time they...
  2. trueblu8

    Eco Complete Rough for Cories?

    What does it break down into? Mud? Would crushed up lava rocks do that? Also to those of you that have your cories on eco complete do you feed them anything special besides what you feed the rest of your fish? The reason I ask is because I have eco complete and am experiencing barbel erosion...
  3. trueblu8

    feeding newborn red crystal shrimps (RCS)

    Yeah you're right! You know their behavior very well. Can't really remove the guppies. I don't have anywhere else to put them at this point in time.
  4. trueblu8

    feeding newborn red crystal shrimps (RCS)

    How could I protect the shrimplets? What about putting lots of java moss on the bottom? I've got a little tiki house they could hide in and a couple pieces of driftwood. I'll take some pics tomorrow.
  5. trueblu8

    feeding newborn red crystal shrimps (RCS)

    What about crs with guppies? Would they be alright?
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