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  1. N

    High ammonia levels

    I'm using an API ammonia kit. The fish are doing great which is why I'm so baffled. My mollies even had fry and they are thriving!
  2. N

    High ammonia levels

    1. 4 ppm 2. No all our other levels are fine 3. The tank has been up for a 3 months now and the ammonia's been high since. 4. Small Cory Catfish and by red tail I was referring to a red tail shark We're using the Tetra brand AquaSafe plus dechlorinator. I'm going to grab a new bio wheel today...
  3. N

    High ammonia levels

    Hi all first time posting and I wanted to start off by saying this site is awesome! I have a 55 gal bow front with a Penguin filter and no more than a dozen fish molly and guppy mix mostly with 3 angels 2 small catfish and 1 red tail. The fish are very hearty and seem unaffected by the level...
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