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  1. Laurie


    What's the best way to attach moss to driftwood?
  2. Laurie

    Ich and fin rot treatments

    My 60 gallon tank has got an ich problem! I've jacked the temp up and that does indeed seem to be working. Most fish don't have any more signs of ich at all. There are still a couple that do though. Both my emerald rainbowfish. Especially the largest and he's also suffering from fin rot. I...
  3. Laurie

    Rainbowfish fin rot?!

    My emerald rainbowfish has something wrong with his dorsal fin. I'm hoping it's not fin rot! Can anyone tell from this pic? If it is, What treatment do you recommend. Could it be from nipping? I just upgraded this tank from a 30 to a 60 two weeks ago. I've done 1/4 water changes om the...
  4. Laurie

    Heater question

    What wattage do i need for a 60 gallon? And what heater would you recommend? Thanks!!
  5. Laurie

    Rainbowfish and angels?

    OK, I've been all over the place with what I want to add to my 60 gallon stock. I was going to add more rainbows but I really would love to add two angels. Just not sure how they would get on. Right now I have 10 rainbows, 6 cories, a GBR and a chinese algae eater (which will be rehomed...
  6. Laurie

    Stocking my new 60 gallon

    Finally got the new 60 gallon! Love it! I'm wondering about stocking though and thought I'd ask y'all. Right now I have 10 rainbowfish, one threadfin rainbowfish, a chinese algae eater, a GBR and two emerald corys. I want at least one more ram and a few more corys. Do you think that might be too...
  7. Laurie

    Question about cycling

    I am upgrading my 30 gallon to a 60 gallon this week (yay!). I am going to be moving everything from the 30 to the 60. Obviously I'll be getting another filter to supplement the bigger volume but I'll still use the one I have now. My question is, by using everything in the old tank, will I have...
  8. Laurie

    What is this growing in my tank?!

    It's on the inside of the glass. It's a 10 gallon, one male betta, a cory and an algae eater. Is this some sort of eggs? There's a pic and a video. What the heck is this? - YouTube
  9. Laurie

    Forgot to turn filter back on!

    I'm pretty sure it's been off since last weekend. I went to do my weekly water change for the 30 gallon and saw that it wasn't plugged in! It's possible it happened Friday night, but I'm not sure. I have a bubbler so I just didn't notice! I'm glad I had the bubbler but I'm wondering if I would...
  10. Laurie

    What's eating the algae?

    Don't get me wrong, I have no problem with something eating the algae! LOL! I'm just wondering because I had a small outbreak of some algae on the gravel. I noticed the other day there were tails of it missing on some of the larger rocks. Today, it's almost gone. I only have rainbowfish and one...
  11. Laurie

    Betta owners

    Can I put a betta in a 10 gallon filtered tank? There are three neons and a female platy in it now. The tank is well established and params are good. Just curious about bettas and a filtered tank.
  12. Laurie

    Driftwood question

    I bought a piece of driftwood 4 days ago and it's starting to get a fuzzy film. The driftwood was already in an established freshwater tank for a while. Could it be algae? I want to get some sort of moss to grow on it eventually. I'll try to get a photo of the fuzz.
  13. Laurie

    newly scaped tank

    Just wanted to show off my newly scaped tank! I also just rehomed all the live bearers and a baby pleco. I have a few tetras and two rainbowfish in this right now. I'm going to get a few more rainbowfish and a cory or two also. I would also like to make it a planted tank eventually but that's...
  14. Laurie

    Catfish Quandary

    I have a 30 gallon tank with 4 tetras and a couple of rainbowfish. I've getting at least 3 more rainbowfish. I want a catfish for the tank too but wasn't sure which would be best. I'm thinking a smaller one. Any suggestions?
  15. Laurie

    Deformed platy

    I posted this in the unhealthy fish section a couple of weeks ago and got no replies. I really want to know if she's ok. Any help or advice is welcome and thank you! Not sure if I should be concerned for her or not. A several weeks ago she had a very difficult birth of mostly aborted fry. She...
  16. Laurie

    Fertilizer for Plants..?

    I'm really not sure what you use for a planted tank. I really love them and want to try my hand at one. Right now I have one live plant in my 30 gallon (water wisteria) and so far it's doing well but I know that need food as well as the fish and I have no clue what or how to do that. I see...
  17. Laurie

    Fish are dying

    I did water change 2 days ago and they were fine until today. The albino BN pleco died and I can't find either of the swordtails. They're both babies, the mail was just starting to get his sword. And the one of the three neons looks pale. It's a 10 gallon and that's all the fish I had in it. The...
  18. Laurie

    Deformed platy

    Not sure if I should be concerned for her or not. A several weeks ago she had a very difficult birth of mostly aborted fry. She was all over the tank dropping them and very stressed. Since then, she has become deformed. Her baby birthing area (don't know the technical term) has remained swollen...
  19. Laurie

    Swordtail question

    Anyone know how long before males start to grow their swords? He's mighty proud of his other "sword" already...flexing it every time I sit to watch the tank....
  20. Laurie

    Water changes...

    How much is too often? I have a couple of cloudy tanks. Levels are good but I think it was the change in water conditioners. So now I want to change as often as I can to dilute the one water conditioner. Could I do it every couple of days if the levels are ok?
  21. Laurie

    Water conditioners

    I've been using the Jungle brand Start Right for years and had no issues at all. Water stays crystal clear. Recently, API Stress Coat+ was on sale and I got a bottle. Now both tanks I've used it on are cloudy and won't clear up even with water changes. Could it be the Stress Coat? I just did a...
  22. Laurie


    Recently I put a bunch of cabomba in my 30 gallon. It's doing really well. It's doubled in size. I noticed one of the stems starting to get what looks like roots halfway up the stem and starting to lean towards the bottom. Is that indeed what they are and can I cut it and replant it elsewhere?
  23. Laurie

    Live bearers

    What other species besides platies, swordtails and guppies are there?
  24. Laurie

    Male or female platy fry?

    Recently one of my platies gave birth and to my astonishment, 22 survived in the tank. Luckily I have several folks who want some baby fish but they all want male and female. Problem is, they all look female to me. The anal fin looks definitely female. Is this normal? Or do male platy fry...
  25. Laurie


    Hi everyone. My name is Laurie and I'm from South Carolina. I've always loved fish and aquariums. I've got three tanks right now..mostly platies and swordtails and a few other peaceful fish mixed in. I'm looking forward to meeting some other hobbyist! :)
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