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  1. M1k3y_gumi

    Dwarf Baby Tears with no CO2???

    I just want to hear from any one who has tried growing HC without injecting CO2 and how much success they've had with it. I hear it's possible but people seem to be getting mixed results? I'm not looking to get it to spread everywhere necessarily. I'm just hoping to keep it alive and well...
  2. M1k3y_gumi

    Centerpiece fish with ember tetras?

    I've been keeping a school of ember tetras in a heavily planted10 gal but their number have dwindled over the years. Now I'm only left with two and I plan on adding several to get back my school. With this new revamp, I'm hoping this time to find a nice small centerpiece fish that will do...
  3. M1k3y_gumi

    Lampeye killifish

    Does anybody have any experience with these guys? I'm thinking if keeping some in a heavily planted 10 or 20 long. I haven't been able to find much info on them so I don't know exactly what they prefer ei. Softer more tinted water or harder water etc. etc. I was also wondering how try would...
  4. M1k3y_gumi

    Heavily planted & no filter?

    Has anyone tried setting up one if those heavily planteded filter less tanks? I'm mean veeeery heavily planted as in like 70% or more of the tank with only a few small fish. They've basically got no moving parts(only heater lights and maybe co2) I've seen some of these on YouTube etc. Jw if...
  5. M1k3y_gumi

    Do pygmy cories school with embers?

    I have ten ember tetras in a ten gallon with a few amanos. I'll also add one sparkling gourami. I know cories need schools of atleast 5 which I dont really have room for. If I just get 3 pygmy cories will they school with the embers and stay happy?
  6. M1k3y_gumi

    Ember tetras in a 10 gal stocking advice

    So I'm currently at 5 ember tetras and some amanos in a moderately planted 10 gallon. I plan on getting more plants and adding one or two sparkling gouramis but what is the max # of embers I could keep here?(the more tetras the better they school). Should I go with 8 or will 10 be fine? For...
  7. M1k3y_gumi

    Zoo med ultrasun and dwarf hair grass?

    Just wondering if anyone has tried growing dwarf hair grass with zoo med ultrasun 65k cfls? I'm looking for some foreground plants to add to my 10 gal.
  8. M1k3y_gumi

    Aqua tech filter clogged by algae

    This tank is about a month old and seems to have balanced out its bio filtration. Recently I had an outbreak of mysterious whitish brown algae that coves evry surface in my tank(possibly an excel overdose?). 5 amano shrimp fixed the problem in no time but I noticed that it had started to build...
  9. M1k3y_gumi

    Fishkeeping highschooler

    Hey guys! Fairly knew to fish keeping. I'm 2 months on my first serious fish tank and I am glad it's still summer because I cant imagine going through this startup process and keeping up with school at the same time! I'm hoping to get lots of wisdom and advice so that my fish do as well as...
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