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  1. D

    ponds and dogs

    You didn't say how big you pond is, so I don't know if this will work. I read this in Mother Earth Magazine few years back. It was to keep deer out of the garden. Basically you use fishing line attached to stakes around your pond. In the article the deer couldn't see the fishing line...
  2. D

    DIY CO2 and Temperature

    Thanks for the replies! The reason I want to try the DYI CO2, is its low expense. If I don't want to spend the time with it, i am not really in to it more than maybe $30.00. I know that I could get the Fluval mini CO2 kit, for about the same price, but I really do not like buying...
  3. D

    DIY CO2 and Temperature

    I have been doing some research about DIY CO2. One of the things I haven't seen discussed is how the yeast is being kept at a productive temperature. During the summer I would not have any issue keeping the yeast at a warm room temperature (no air conditioner). During the winter is...
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