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    Sick Pleco? Worried!!

    So I have this gorgeous Clown Pleco. Kenbob gave me as a gift a few days ago. I am suspicious it hasn't been eating, and seems to have this white spot on it's head that I hadn't noticed before... It doesn't look like ich though. I've tried fresh zuccini, tetra algae wafers, bottom feeder tabs...
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    Light Fixture Comparison. Need Experienced Advice!

    So I've narrowed down my options to 2 light fixtures to get my new planted 55 gallon freshwater up and running. I'm looking for some hints/suggestions on these from more experienced planted tank people! Which one do you think would work better? I'm not currently running any co2 or anything else...
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    My Craigslist Find - Restoration Project (1)

    I found a pretty sweet deal on Craigslist the other day. An old O'dell 55 gallon aquarium along with a ton of nice equipment/accessories for FREE. I took it upon myself to rescue the tank inhabitants, and make this tank my first project restoration. This will be my thread for progress pictures...
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    Tiger Barb Lockjaw?

    So I picked up a few Tiger Barbs from Petsmart the other day for the kid's 10 gal. Transition went fine, they happily joined the other Tiger barbs I had in there, didn't notice any problems until this morning when I went to go feed them. One of the new ones was hanging out by himself away from...
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    Sand shufflers :D

    I'm putting together plans to re-do my cichlid tank in sand. I was trying to find some creatures that would assist in 'stirring' and cleaning the sand. As a lot of other fishes won't do well with the Cichlids, I was looking into snails.... I found these: Malaysian Trumpet Snails and they seem...
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    Odd growing stuff...

    Every day is a new adventure, right?! So, I get home from work and check on my 3 tanks. I notice in my 20 gallon something white growing all over the mopani driftwood I added a couple days ago. Looks like a white mucus... and one of my ghost shrimp is eating it... Any other info needed to...
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    A Few Questions

    I had adopted some african cichlids from craigslist and most of them are hybrids (From what the guy had in his tanks I'm assuming they are Demasoni/Electric Yellow mix). Now I am expanding my fishy friends group as I personally search my LFS for individual Cichlids I find to be beautiful. I...
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    Will someone please help me I.D. these handsome cichlids?

    Picked up two new Cichlids at the LFS yesterday for my self birthday present There were labeled only as "African Cichlids" And the LFS employees were unable to elaborate on specific species. Help would be greatly appreciated! Also, the 3rd fish pictured is a cichlid that I adopted from...
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    New Guy

    Hello everyone! Hailing from Northern Colorado here. Not really sure what you all would want to know about me... I enjoy catch and release fishing (and the occasional meal catch). Longboarding, and spending countless hours fawning over my 3 aquariums: - 46 Gal. Bow-Front 13 Cichlids (I...
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    Will a Pleco 'fit in' my Cichlid Community?

    I have a 46 gallon Cichlid tank which contains 12 various Cichlids (Electric Yellow, Demasoni, and one other type forgot the name). All are fairly small, largest being 2 1/2 - 3". The tank is well built-up with lace rock providing plenty of hiding spaces. Currently these are the only variety...
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