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  1. J

    NitrAtes ???

    Nitrates don't cycle out. The best and easiest way to remove them is theough water changes.
  2. J

    Sex this Gourami

    I would say your fish is a female (short dorsal and full belly). Blues are often very agressive when mating.
  3. J

    Using crushed coral to stablilize ph

    Both crushed coral and oyster shells are made of the same substance, calcium carbonate. They both will give you a high ph (8.0+). If you collect the Oyster Shell yourself, make sure you have washed any organic matter away before using them.
  4. J

    Bolivian Ram and Angelfish

    They will get along fine. Rams tend to stay near the bottom and Angels at mid level. Both like good plant cover, like Val and Amazon Swords. Both fish need good water quality so don't overcrowd them and practice frequent water changes.
  5. J

    Any good medium sized community fish?

    Congo Tetras are great active swimmers. They need a large, long tzank to be happy., They also tend to feed on the surface (they like flightless fruitfies).
  6. J

    Discus and angels

    Discus don't mix with other large fish. You need to keeep the Discus tank as clean as possble by understocking. Small Plecos or Corys will help to keep their tank clean.
  7. J

    help lowering ph (crushed corral)

    The best fishes for a tank with a crushed coral sub-strat are Rift Valley Cichlids, Livebearers, Brackishwater fishes and some Rainbows. It wil kill any fish whose original home was a tropical Rainforest (Tetras, Rasboras, Corys, West African and South American Cichids).
  8. J

    Honey Gourami advice

    The Honeys are one of the more agressive Gouramis, despite their small size. Like all Gouramis they like floating plants. If any of your fish start to make a bubble nests, they will become very territrial.
  9. J

    Nitrite Cycle Question

    Your Nitrite should be cycling into Nitrate. Cycling should be complete in 8 weeks. Try cutting down on the frequency of your water changes. Your bacteria needs some Nitrite to work on.
  10. J

    Adding a pleco need advice

    I have a Pleco in each of 4 tanks (20-55) and they do a great job clearing algae. Large ones can't clinge to the sides of the tank like small ones can. Introducing a new fish to a long term stable community of fish is always risky. Your introduced Pleco may do fine or may not.
  11. J

    Platy lifespan?

    The life span of most iivebearers is 3-5 years. When you get them from your dealer they are probably at least one year old already. Mollies in saltwater seem to have the longest lifespan.
  12. J

    Invert query - Electric Blue Crayfish

    My experience with the Blues is that they are not as agressive as the North Ameriacn Crayfsh. They get along fine with Cichlids and fish that stay near the surface (Danios). Corys might be in trouble. Latter my Blue changed color and wasn't blue anymore.
  13. J

    Would an angel fish work?

    Angels tend to be bullies when alone but not so much when you have two or more. Angels also need warm (78+) and clean water (low Nitrates). Try to keep the hardness low.
  14. J

    Cory question

    Corys are not agressive toward ones of the same species. A good number is 6 in a 10G and 8 in a 20G. I have had a flock of Green Corys beat up on another species. Inless you have a large tank (55+) keep all you Corys the same species.
  15. J

    Ich prevention

    Ich is always present in your water. The things that could bring it on in your fish include a sudden Temperature change, a drastic Hardness change, a sudden Salinity change or a big ph change. Always inspect new fish for Ich. They have gone through a very stressfull environment before getting...
  16. J

    Newbie question - cycling SW tank

    If you want to cycle with fish, add a couple of Hermit Crabs, a Snail and a small Damsel. Have good Filtration but no Protien Skimmer yet. In 4 to 8 weeks you shoud be cycled. Your Live Rock and Live Sand should help you start cycling.
  17. J

    Cycling options.

    You have already started cycling, you have living things in your tank. I would add 2or 3 Mystery Snails (numbers easy to control) and five of your Endlers. Try 2 o3 Female Bettas. These fish are very tugh and they breath air. Every 2 weeks add 5 nore Endlers. Add a couple of Otos when...
  18. J

    Hi all. Cycling advice please!!

    I cycle without adding anything or making water changes until cycling is complete. Start slowly and be patient. Guppies, White Mountain Clouds and Female Bettas (breath air). are all good cyling fishes. I think a Mystery Snail also makes a good addition. Cycle with live plants and have good...
  19. J

    Tiger barbs with cichlids?

    Barbs are schooling fish and are very insecurre without others of their kind. Most larger Cichlids should not be mixed with smaller fish, they will eat them. Rams and Kribs will get along fine with smaller fish except when spawning.
  20. J

    Should I pretreat water?

    I naver pre-treat my water and have never had fish losses because of it. I have had fish losses if I don't change my water. If I am starting a new tank I always let the tank set for a few days before adding life to it. I have done this in Seattle, Sacramento and Salem, Oregon.
  21. J

    5-N-1 test strips

    I have used strips for years and they work fine. If you need to know if your ph is 7.5 or 7.7 then use the more expensive kits. Like any test kit they get less accurate with age.
  22. J

    water sofeners for tanks

    Many fishes like Hard Water; including Rift Valley Cichlids, Livebearers and Brackish Water fishes. Tetras, Rasboras and South American Cichlids don't. An easy way to reduce your tank's hardness is to slowly replace your tank's water with Distilled or Rain Water.
  23. J

    mini cycle?

    Make sure you aren't over-feeding and there aren't any dead fish in your tank. Give your tank plenty of aeriation and filtration. Cloudy water usually stops after a few days.
  24. J

    Aggressive betta

    I have had Male Bettas in large Communuty Tanks for years and I don't think they fought with anyone. They like to have floating plants around to hide in. Right now I have a nice Bright Red one in a 20G and he gets along fine with Swords, Corys and Small Cichlids.
  25. J

    Top dwellers in my 29 gallon?

    You are approaching a full tank, especially as your Congos get large, Congo Tetras need lots of swimming room so 8 is really too many for a 29G. White Mountain Clouds, Danios and Bettas all tend to stay near the surface. Some fish, like Rams, go where ever the food is.
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