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  1. T

    Starting New Community with Plants: Where to shop?

    @ librarygirl: T5 daylight bulbs. I'm not certain wheter low or high maintanence plants; I'll take a look at some of the ones you mentioned but I'm sure I'll find much more of a variety online oppose to the LFS, so thanks for the forum...
  2. T

    Starting New Community with Plants: Where to shop?

    btw, I am aware of the cycling phase, so please disregard unless any particular plants require a specific cycle.
  3. T

    Starting New Community with Plants: Where to shop?

    Im new to the hobby, yet, quickly learning that research is the key to developing a successful community... I recently purchased a 55 gallon tank with sand substrate and currently looking to discover the following: -a good combination of active freshwater fish/plants, and -a trusted online...
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