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  1. I

    Planted aquarium rejecting new plants?

    So I have a 26 gallon bowfront, planted aquarium up and running probably for about a year and half now. When I first set up the tank I these plants in it: Java Fern Rotala Indica Dwarf Hairgrass Crypt Wentii Water Wisteria Amazon Sword After I set up the tank the plants did well, although the...
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    What happend?

    I have a high light well planted 26g tank, with an amazon sword, rotala indica, java fern, dwarf hair grass, crpyt wendtii and some driftwood. The past few days I raised the temperature of my tank to about 81 or 82. I have been too busy to do a water change and the water has evaporated to about...
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    Propagating water wisteria

    I have some wisteria in my tank but i want to propagate it to have it cover the back of the tank more. How can I do this?
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    Breeding harlequin tetras

    I've had 4 harlequin tetras for about a year, and they are showing very bright, absolutely beautiful orange/redness, I don't think I've seen any ones with color like this on the internet. I would love to breed them. I have a 26 gallon planted, with high light. Amazon swords, java fern, water...
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    New planted tank

    Just replaced my 15 gallon with this 26 gallon bowfront, everything new on it except i used the filter from my already cycled 15 gallon. Lighting: 2x20 inch T5 High Output (6000K each) Plants: Rotala Indica Java Fern (attached to driftwood) Water Wisteria Crypt Wentii Dwarf hairgrass...
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    Being eco friendly?

    Okay so, my dryer doesn't have a vent for water vapor, it actually condenses evaporated water from the clothes in it into a cartridge that you empty out after each load. Would this water be clean since it is evaporated and condensed? Clean enough for my fishtank? Or would chemicals from the...
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    German Blue Rams or Apistogrammas

    Looking for some good fish, my LFS has them but with very little color in them. I'm located in New Jersey, I would appreciate pictures obviously Sorry for accidently posting this in the wrong section, can't figure out how to delete it yet
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    How common are dirted tanks?

    I was at my LFS, probably one of the best fish stores in the philadelphia/delaware/new jersey/new york area. But anyways, I go to ask a question about dirted tanks and they had no clue what I was talking about! Never even heard of one! Are they that uncommon or what?
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    German blue ram help

    I am setting up a new aquarium, but using a filter from my current aquarium which already has well established beneficial bacterial colonies. I would love to have a german blue ram, they're so beautiful. The issue I have is with pH levels. My pH comes out of the tap with about a 7.6 pH level...
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    Tips on dirt

    Starting dirted tank, plan to have a gravel cap but don't really know what to put in for dirt. I want the tank to be heavily planted, and it will have high light. What are your favorite dirts/mixtures to use, what would your recommend?
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    New 26 gallon planted tank, need ideas

    Setting up a new 26 gallon bowfront in a week. Plan to have two angel fish and transfer in a few other fish from my other tank. I have very high lighting for it. It will be dirted with a gravel cap. I want amazon swords as the focal point, a floating plant of some sort and some moss balls, any...
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