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  1. Fishlover13

    **Dragon Fish not eating**

    I have a Dragon Fish, he is a little over 5.5 inches. I got him yesterday, and I let him settle in over night. I tried feeding him Freeze Dried Shrimp, Freeze Dried Blood Worms, Algae Wafers, and Fish Food that is round and sinks. He won't eat any of it even though it is right in front of his face.
  2. Fishlover13

    Dwarf Gourami

    How many can I house in a 30 gallon? I have a UV Sterilizer as a filter.
  3. Fishlover13

    Stocking Questions

    I have a 25 gallon. All my water parameters are right, I just don't know what to put in the tank. I don't want any Platies. Mollies, Guppies, Tetras, Corydoras, Angelfish or Danios. I'm kinda stuck on what to do. I also have a UV Sterilizer in the aquarium idk if that matters. Thank You in advance!
  4. Fishlover13

    Betta and Cories?

    Can I house a Betta and 3 cories in a 10 gallon?
  5. Fishlover13

    What is on my Drift Wood?

    I think it is a type if fungus.
  6. Fishlover13

    What's wrong with my Cory?

    Is he blind? (Sorry the outside of my glass is dirty) He is active and eating fine. You can see the other one in the background. I got then today. The person I got them from kept them with Cichlids that's why some fin is missing.
  7. Fishlover13

    How many more?

    Ok, so I have a 30 gallon long aquarium! I have a UV Sterilizer. Here's what I have 1 Male Crown Tail Betta 3 Neon Tetras 3 White clouds 3 Zebra Danios 3 Cory Cats
  8. Fishlover13

    What type of Cory Cat is this?

    I got three of these and not for sure on the type!
  9. Fishlover13

    All of my fish died but 3

    Ok so all of my fish died but 3 my Male DG Platy Snail Will my DG eat shrimp and what are some other choices. I have a 25 gallon.
  10. Fishlover13

    Am I over stocked?

    I am wanting to only get 2 more fish in my 25 gallon and this is what I have 2 Black Tetras(and they school with the Neons and Harlaquin Rasboras) 4 Neons 3 Harlaquin Rasboras 2 Guppies 1 Male Dwarf Gourami I am only allowed to get two more fish my mom said but I am sure I can get away with 3...
  11. Fishlover13

    My shrimp

    Just thought I would show ya'll (yes I said ya'll and I am from Texas so please don't judge me)
  12. Fishlover13

    What Causes Ich

    Only my neons and like 3 dots on my platys top fin are showing signs of Ick. I treated the whole tank with Ick Guard from Jungle it has majorly decreased but it is still there(just a little bit though)I just changed the water not to long ago. What causes Ick. And what eked can I do.
  13. Fishlover13

    What's on my plant bulb?

    I don't know what's on my plant bulb. It's like a clearish bubble.
  14. Fishlover13

    What Type Of Cory Should I Get?

    Should I get Panda Corys Or Corydora Adolfoi?
  15. Fishlover13

    Is my DG a boy or a girl.

    It looks like a male but I can't tell for sure.
  16. Fishlover13

    I don't know what's wrong with him

    All of my readings are correct. He dosnt get bullied and he usually hangs out with my snail. He's been like that for a while.
  17. Fishlover13

    what fish should I get

    I have a 25 gallon tank with 3 Neon Tetras(will get a school of six) 2 Harlquin Rasboras 2 Black Neons ( They school with the Neons) 2 Guppies 1 white mystery snail I was thinking about a Dwarf Gourami what do you guys think.
  18. Fishlover13

    Is freeze dried food bad your fish?

    I have heard that freeze dried food is bad for any fish is that true?
  19. Fishlover13

    What Fish Shoud I Get

    I have a heavily planted 25 gallon with 3 Neon Tetras 2 Guppies 2 Mystery Snails What fish would be good with them
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