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The friendliest place on the web for anyone with an interest in aquariums or fish keeping!
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  10. Me and my boo

    Me and my boo

  11. Astrid


  12. Booboo


  13. My finless monsters!

    My finless monsters!

    Boo, the American Eskimo, Joey, the boxer, and Astrid, domestic shorthair
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  15. My bettas!!

    My bettas!!

    My four males and seven females
  16. Tilli94

    Craigslist Insanity

    I recently got a 36 gallon bow front tank with filter, lights, gravel, tons of decor, 3 breeder boxes, a gorgeous black stand, chemicals, food and the fish (three danios and a red finned rainbow shark) all for $75
  17. Tilli94

    Anybody know what guppy this is?

    Could be a blue Moscow / tuxedo definitely a fancy
  18. Tilli94

    Planted tank advice

    Hey everyone, I know there's probably dozens of posts on here about starting up a planted tank but I just wanted to clean the slate and start from scratch as far as instructions and supplies go. I have a 36 gallon bow front and a 10 gallon bow front aquarium and I'm hoping to soon fill with...
  19. Tilli94

    Dollar per gallon sale is on!

    Haha great job. Love it
  20. Tilli94

    favorite fish

    Bettas without a doubt not a fan of pks but loooove hm ct and vt. Also a fan of fancy guppies
  21. Tilli94

    New Betta Tank

    horizontal bands down the sides that are not a part of the bettas regular coloring is a sign of stress. Also if he has trouble swimming and if he seems to flare more than usual.
  22. Tilli94

    Dollar per gallon sale is on!

    It took me 6 months to convince my mom I should have a 10 gallon and then another 6 to convince her I should have a 36 lol. And she didnt even have to buy them. The looks I get when I start talking about heaters, substrate, and filters is hysterical. I'm pretty sure I'm adopted
  23. Tilli94

    10 gallon suggestions - stocking and filtration

    Actually it is possible to have more than one betta in a 10 gallon tank, although 10 gallons is the minimum. It would be called a sorority tank because only females can be in a tank like that together. The minimum they suggest is 4 females per sorority tank and the females should be relatively...
  24. Tilli94

    Always looking for advice :D

    I have two aquariums up and running right now, a 36 gallon bow front and a10 gallon bow front, both are fresh water. Although my 36 has three danios (I think?) and a red finned rainbow shark my real passion is bettas and fancy guppies. I'm hoping to soon find breeders of both in my area in order...
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