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The friendliest place on the web for anyone with an interest in aquariums or fish keeping!
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  1. Freshwatergal007

    Betta Problems

    Okay, about the tank my betta was in: The tank is about a month and a half old. I don't have a really good test kit, so will have to wait until I get paid for that, but I do have a test strip-type kit. It shows: Nitrates between 0 & 20 Nitrites - 0 Hardness - 300 (very hard) Alkalinity...
  2. Freshwatergal007

    Betta Problems

    I'm having some issues with a betta in one of my tanks. I have a 15g column tank that has some danios, glow light tetras, corys & a betta. It's a new tank about a month old. I watch my fish and make sure they're okay several times a day. One night I went to bed after watching them eat and the...
  3. Freshwatergal007

    Hello - New Member

    Hi everyone! I'm excited to be a part of your community! I've had freshwater aquariums all of my life even since childhood. My dad started the whole fascination for me when I was a little girl and he got a 110g tank with an arowana, angels and silver dollars. I could watch them for hours...
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