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  1. N

    German Blue Ram fry death

    I have made a somewhat a unsuccessful attempt at raising german blue ram fry. I have a death ratio of 96% to 100%. I have almost tried everything. Here it goes: When fry eggs have been fertilized I left them in tank till they started to wiggle, the parents moved them, and I never found them...
  2. N

    african butterfly fish

    I am looking into getting a butterfly fish but here is my problem, I am soooo afraid that he will eat my little boys. The smallest fish I have is the White Clouds and my others are not much bigger. He will be going into a 100 gal tank. If I get the smallest that I could get, I think it will...
  3. N

    zoo med ocean sun

    I am the proud owner of a zoo med ocean view 24" bulb that will not light up. It flashes real pretty but that is it. I noticed a little note attached saying to leave the bulb on for about 5 minutes and it should turn on. ONE HOUR later, it still makes pretty flashes. I have 20 watt ballast...
  4. N

    Tiger barb with rapid growth

    My tiger barb two weeks ago was about 1/2" in size. Two weeks later he was 3x his size. I'm not talking about bloat, I'm saying physical size. He morphed into the incredible hulk in two weeks! Unfortunately, he passed just a couple days ago. I was wondering if anyone else has ever experienced...
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