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  1. L

    Fishless cycling did not kick off, Ph is 5.4

    Nitrite still doesnt show. My ammonia is either 4 or 8ppm, cant discern the color. My ph is now 6.7. Gh is still around 2. Tds is 120. My searchem replenish arrived today so i added a lil bit to raise gh to 4. Other than that, everything is still the same. And i still dont know why there...
  2. L

    Fishless cycling did not kick off, Ph is 5.4

    Thanks everybody for the replies!! @librarygirl: i want to Breed CRS in my tank and i heard they need clean water so i used RO water. Didn't know the mineral part until now. For the crushed coral bag, after the tank finish cycling, I can just remove it from my filter and the ph will go back...
  3. L

    Fishless cycling did not kick off, Ph is 5.4

    Hi, I am trying to set up my first tank and in the process of fishless cycling. but It has been 10 days already and my nitrites are no where to be found. Here are my tank set up and some testings: 40 gal tank filled with RO water, 5" of ADA substrates, sponge filter + UGF. Ammonia has been...
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