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  1. G

    CO2 systems? Anyone

    Pro: much better plant grows but you need light and fertiliser to match Con: To much CO2 (if dosage is maladjusted) is dangerous for fish Solution: go the whole way with electronic pH controller and solenoid. Measure KH and select a pH that corresponds to 15-35 ppm CO2 E.g. KH=3, pH 6.5-6.8 ...
  2. G

    RCS tankmates?

    My RCS peacefully coexist since a month with: Cardinal tetras, Lemon tetras, Glow light tetras, Corydoras, SAE, Ottos, Pencil fish and evan ghost cats. I havn't noticed any harassment yet . It might help that its's a heavily planted 200g tank.
  3. G

    Seachem matrix

    The 2080 takes 4l per basket and has 3 baskets. Matrix is neither cheap nor heavy, looks like you have been tricked. I went in the end with the eheim media pack for the 2080 as it came cheaper then buying individual packs of matrix and noodles
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