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  1. S

    live plants with cichlids

    Heathy and sending off shoots. I've got 8 baby swords so far with a dozen more growing before I clip them. If you can keep them I think plants are worth the hassle. In addition to what they do to benefit the water they also give a place for hurt fish to hide out. Always a plus with cichlids.
  2. S

    live plants with cichlids

    Swords and big ones. I've had the best results getting the plants large and the fish small. So far the worst I've had happen is the odd leaf nibbled on and once or twice a plant uprooted.
  3. S

    Please help identify

    2 looks like melanochromis joanjohnsonae
  4. S

    What is a good bottom feeder

    I have a Synodontis nigriventris or upside-down cat. It seems to do well in the tank and topping out at about 4" the size fits with what I was looking for. Just don't expect to see it that often. They like to hide any time the lights are on.
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    New 55g Malawi Cichlid tank

    All I was saying was that with a good amount of substrate and proper care I have found that water changes aren't needed as often as many people say. Back and plants help break down as long as you watch your bio load and don't over feed. I have heard countless stories of people crashing tanks by...
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    New 55g Malawi Cichlid tank

    I recommend crushed coral or dolomite to help buffer and harden. The buffering will help you from too drastic of swings. Keep the water changes small and far apart. I skip them all together. The only time I have messed with the water in my tank in the 18 months I have had my currant tank set up...
  7. S

    purple cichlids?

    Acei are purple. Especially if they are the less dominant in the tank. If they are the alpha fish they are almost black.
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