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  1. salzabar

    Found fry in filter

    I think we will need some pictures to understand what you are looking at.
  2. salzabar

    What Made You Want A Freshwater Aquarium?

    They had the internets in 2002? Crazy sauages. It started with a girlfriend who was 13 years older than me (I was 18-legal). She had a 29 gallon tank with a full size oscar and jack dempsy and several goldfish and a 10" pleco. What a nightmare tank it was. She would change water every day and...
  3. salzabar

    Flashing Guppies

    They flash ALOT. When I got home last night I had a few floating belly up. I changed 50% water and used Kordon Ich attack and aquarium salt per dosage on labels. Removed carbon and added another HOB penguin with biowheel just to move water and add O2. I set the temp to 80 on my Ebo heater and 10...
  4. salzabar

    Flashing Guppies

    All good stuff B. I was thinking of adding some air and salt. Here in Western Washington our water is void of minerals so we have to add crushed coral to filters for some buffs. Very soft water for guppies can be a prob but I do keep PH at 6.8 which they seem to like. I did find some Kordon ich...
  5. salzabar

    Flashing Guppies

    My guppies are flashing (rubbing against something) which usually means ich or some other parasite attacking them to cause displeasure. I do not see any white dots but thats just 1 stage of ich. Also it could be gill flukes in which case i'm screwed cause its very hard to treat for flukes...
  6. salzabar

    Flashing Guppies

    I have a 55 gallon fully planted tank with several generations of guppies, 6 small SAE's, 2 Oto's and 2 Amano Shrimp. No ammonia, nitrites and 10 ppm nitrates. 50% water changes every week maintaining a ph of 6.8 The question is: its a parasite of some kind probably ich. What can I use to dose...
  7. salzabar

    55 gallon at office needs re-doing

    all the fish you listed are considered semi-agressive. They will work fine in a 55. Make sure you have at least 5 or 6 barbs so they can nip each other and not the rest of the tank mates.
  8. salzabar

    Pygmy Corydora Profile

    Guppies love Pygmy corydoras eggs, Yummy! I have 12 pygmies in my 55 guppy tank and they breed all the time but the eggs get sucked up by the guppies. I have no interest in breeding them since they go for 3 bucks each at the LFS. I would spend more on breeding than I would selling.
  9. salzabar

    Quick help MTS question

    Yes, of course. I should have remembered the Malaysian Trumpet Snail. The original MTS :sorry:
  10. salzabar

    Quick help MTS question

    MTS? Forgive my ignorance but does MTS stand for? I always thought it ment M=Multiple T=Tank S=Syndrome. :D
  11. salzabar

    cant keep shrimp alive?

    I have to agree with where this post is going. Start with water supplements for shrimp or just add the crushed coral like I do. Also, foods designed for shrimp is best as a staple diet with treats and greens added every 3rd day. Molting is when the shrimps are at their weakest so try not to...
  12. salzabar

    What is coming out of my gravel?

    I bet if you pulled the nearby plant you will find the roots have traveled to under the wood. Roots will grow towards the neutrients. Do you siphon under the wood?
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