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  1. E

    Help! what is this orange stuff in my tank?

    Haha thats so funny and thanks for the effort Alyxx! I went on a trip over the weekend and when I came back it was everywhere!! I was so upset i thought my betta died, the stuff was literary everywhere and he hasnt even eaten in 2 days. So I ended up cleaning the whole tank out and bought a...
  2. E

    Help! what is this orange stuff in my tank?

    Thanks for the insight guys, Il take your word for it. Its funny for so much poop Ive never actually seen him do it. Will an internal filter solve this somewhat? This is my first tank so help a dummy out!
  3. E

    Help! what is this orange stuff in my tank?

    Hmm very interesting thank you. Is it possible that they can grow in size after pooped out? Because my betta is still young and not fully grown and it seems crazy that he can poop out something a quarter his size
  4. E

    Help! what is this orange stuff in my tank?

    bettas poop orange balls? I never knew! But it seems like they start out on/under the gravel because i can see them them starting out small and then getting bigger and growing fuzz.
  5. E

    Help! what is this orange stuff in my tank?

    Thanks for your answer! These things start out as balls and then grow fuzz so im just gonna guess is fungus of some sort.. Im just going to take everything out and wash it and maybe get a small internal filter instead of the UGF and see if that fixes it.
  6. E

    Help! what is this orange stuff in my tank?

    i only feed him a few flakes a day and watch him eat it.. these things are multiplying like crazy and inside the gravel, could it be fungus? what can i do about this should i clean out the tank and start over?
  7. E

    Help! what is this orange stuff in my tank?

    Does anyone have ANY idea what this is at all?? Theres more and more everyday and i clean it out and they come back idk what to do its really scaring me.. my betta picks at them and is bloated all the time im afraid its making him sick
  8. E

    Help! what is this orange stuff in my tank?

    Yes this is a freshwater tank, and I feed him small pink flakes that look nothing like these things.. hmm Im still puzzled.
  9. E

    Help! what is this orange stuff in my tank?

    I have recently set up a 2.5 gallon tank with 1 betta in it. It has an UGF with regular gravel, 1 live plant and some plastic decorations. I use stress coat and stress zyme to condition my water, my nitrites are at 0.5 and nitrates 0, the tank is about 2 weeks old now. I started noticing some...
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