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    Guppies, guppies everywhere...

    I don't know how big your Oscars are. But even a full grown guppy, would be no more than a snack for mine.
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    Setting up a 55 gallon tank

    Are you sure it isn't a Pacu? I didn't think that Piranha got extremely large. I agree with djbarnes88. I think the malawi peacocks, with their myriad of colors, are one of the most beautiful FW fish available.
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    Setting up a 55 gallon tank

    I would clean the filter from the 55, and run it on the 29 for a week or so. Then put it on the 55 media and all. It should pick up enough bacteria to jump start your cycle. As far as the gravel, unless it is a color you don't like, why not just clean it and re-use it. Boil it if you need to. So...
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    Adding Chemicals

    Just to reconfirm what has already been said in this string. "The only chemical you need is a declorinator." "Fiddling with PH is generally harmful to your fish, it is better to let them acclimate to the PH that exist in your source water. Unless you have species that are specifically...
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    I know I should know the answer to this....

    The other major difference is, the Emperor has a secondary media slot and a media container which you can put whatever you want in. I find the biggest advantage the Emperor has over the Penguin is, if the filter pad starts to clog the bio-wheel stops on the Penguin. That isn't a good thing...
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    Adding Chemicals

    OMG, way to many fish for a 5 gal. The only chemical I use is a declorinator. I would be extremely careful of chemical build up, especially in such a small tank. Any chemical, even the beneficial ones, can become lethal if it becomes too concentrated.
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    oldtimer coming back

    Welcome back to the the hobby. I agree there have been some great mechanical improvement over the past 30 years, but I think the biggest improvement is, For the most part we have dispelled the "Old Water Theory". It used to be standard practice to almost never do water changes. The thought being...
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    Look what I found...on EBay no less

    I didn't notice the glow fish, but I have ordered fish from Tony. He also sells many other kinds of fish on aquabid. His fish came very healthy. and well packaged.
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    female betta

    Welcome spence0416. Here is a pretty good article on betta breeding. Hope it gives you the guidance you need.
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    Ready to throw up my hands and call it quit!

    I am so sorry to hear about your battle with disease. Unfortunately as fish keepers we also need to be fish doctors. Are you positive this is ich? Usually ich covers the whole body quite quickly. I know raising the temperature works, but before you give up, at least try medication. I know, it...
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    Ebay tanks and how many fish?

    Kerrinne, I am also a frequent flyer on Ebay. You have a great ebay wholesaler in Atlanta. The seller name is (ebaeseller). They Specialize in new aquariums and the start at no reserve. I have seen many a good deal from this seller. unfortunately I am too far away from Georgia, or I would have...
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    I have fry!!! Now I need some answers...

    I know everyone can't raise fish the way I do but, I always use a breeder that separates the mother from the babies, like a V-bottom. In my experience even well fed mothers eat their young. I even had one female molly just kill her babies and then spit them out (back in the early days when I...
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    Killer fish?

    Years ago I had an oscar that would grab my finger and I would lift his head right out of the tank. They have no teeth. They gum thier food and swollow i whole.
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    Danios are pretty hearty. As a matter of fact they are my choice as a cycling fish in new tanks. They are inexpensive and seem to be able to survive the fluctuating parameters of a new tank. My suspicion is something happened at the LSF. Unfortunately fish have to survive a lot, shipping from...
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    Evil filter killed 4 molly fry :(

    In my fry and grow out tanks, I run a penguin 170 with a 3" diameter sponge filter over the intake. It does clog after a month or so, but it also provides lots of bio filter area. Even with the nylon method, small fry will not be able to escape the suction and will die trapped to the nylon. I...
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    Golden-Algae eater - What should I do??

    I just removed one the little buggers. My method was simple. I put a ceramic cave with a bottom in the tank. After a couple of days he naturally claimed it as his territory. I reached in and lifted the cave out with him inside it.
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    Help - Water got cloudy over night and...

    I like Maracyn-2. It has saved a number of fish for me and I have never found an ammonia/nitrite rise while using it. But It always turns the water cloudy. It's not green cloudy, like an algea bloom. It's white cloudy. As far as little fuzz balls, the only time I have seen anything like that was...
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    Sick Platy?

    If she is sick, you could infect your fry. The white spots look like fungus to me. Although it is rather hard to tell from the picture. Does it look fuzzy? or is it a flesh wound? Are there also small white spots on her tail?
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    Blue Lobster

    Crayfish are wonderful. They are quite comical to watch as they try to ambush their tank mates. I recommend putting them in with faster moving fish such as danios or barbs. Otherwise they will do what comes naturally and you will be missing fish. They do require hiding places especially if you...
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    "If you snooze, you lose! How to feed shy fish questi

    Yes it sure will. Fish don't need to eat as much as we think they do. In the wild fish sometimes go days without eating. Not only will overfeeding dirty your tank, but it will rot and add to the ammonia load. The rule is all food should be gone within 2 minutes. Food does however need to make it...
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    I won't ever try to rescue another sick/injured fish again!

    Sorry about your frog. :cry: But like Corvuscorax said, your crab was just doing what came naturally. I keep fiddlers and crayfish in with my danios and barbs. They are usually fast enough to out manuver the little ambush hunters with claws, but every once in a while I find a barb missing.
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    A Platy variety

    It's hard to tell without a photo, but it sounds like you are describing twin bar platies.
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    What am I doing wrong?

    Here is a good page on a DIY co2 reactor.
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    Black Oscars

    The younger the oscar, the darker the coloration. I suspect it is just a young tiger oscar. Until I looked at the pic, I thought maybe you had found a veil-tail oscar. They do exist but I've only seen them in books. They have a tail that resembles the tail of an angel rather than the normal...
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    I'm a daddy to a shoal of Mollies :D

    The ammonia load produced by a few fry is not much in a 10 gal tank. I keep a small albino cory in my fry tank, to clean up uneaten food. As the fish grow the cycle will grow as they do. A sponge filter can hold alot more nitrifying bacteria than plastic plants.
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