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  1. Tony30gal

    Help, panda cories dying one by one

    I would maybe bump up that heat to 78F And Corys do better in packs. Buy a bigger tank and get more [emoji56] Here’s a video for some more info
  2. Tony30gal

    Cory Catfish-HELP! IDEAS!

    Is “shoaling” the word your looking for?
  3. Tony30gal

    Possibly a mistake on my teststrips

    I’m not saying your doing something wrong but.. it happens. I use test strips with no issues. Here’s a how to video if you wanna take a look and compare your method
  4. Tony30gal

    Tea Colored Water In Planted Tank

    Just do a couple 50 percent water changes spread out over couple day span
  5. Tony30gal

    Molly with popeye

    That bigger tank will be appreciated
  6. Tony30gal

    Hello All! Having Major Ammonia Issues!

    Some tap waters have 2ppm coming right from the faucet!
  7. Tony30gal

    Guppy tank mates

    Maybe this will help a bit.. quick google search: “Here is a list of some of the most common guppy tank mates: Livebearers (mollies, platies, swords) Gourami Fish Cory catfish Rasboras Most Tetra Fish Small Species Plecos Cherry Shrimp Oto Catfish” source:
  8. Tony30gal


    This is crazy.. I’m rooting for him!
  9. Tony30gal

    Water Quality

    Ever thought about just jump starting the cycle with a used sponge filter from your local fish store? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  10. Tony30gal

    What baby fish is this??

    Picture 1 is a molly fish though... right?!
  11. Tony30gal

    White spots, not Ick

    Looks like nothing abnormal to me....
  12. Tony30gal


    Bichirs always eat things THEY ARE NOT SUPPOSE TO... most commonly small rocks! A lot of times it’s a waiting game to see if they pass it or die.. I’ve lost a couple to this. Is your tank all sand? Could also be a tumor.. maybe this video will help some on ideal tank setup...
  13. Tony30gal

    Cichlid Stocking Options for a 40 Gallon Bredder

    A 40g is on the small side.. I would do a sh well dweller tank! Lots of sand and shells!
  14. Tony30gal

    How to clean rock background?

    I would buy some generic 30ppi foam pad (for ponds and such) and just scrub it manually with your hands! I use this foam for tons of stuff! Here is a link:
  15. Tony30gal

    What baby fish is this??

    Those look to be baby molly fish! Your post is sort of confusing but I did a little research on google to find this: “Even though the female Molly is pregnant and going to give birth to numerous babies, other fish and even the parents will feed on them as soon as given the chance.” source...
  16. Tony30gal

    Shrimp tank temp

    1. Put tank in concrete 2. Insulate sides of tank with insulator 3 frozen bottles (annoying) 4. Diy mini fridge chiller 5. Buy a chiller (ouch on pocketbook!) Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  17. Tony30gal

    Molly juvenile colour name?

    maybe this will help you image source: Types and Species of Molly Fish - Tail Types and Variants
  18. Tony30gal

    Dollar fish cotton wool disease.

    Are you talking about Silver Dollar fish?
  19. Tony30gal

    Rainbow shark? Looks like a hybrid.

    Def looks like a rainbow shark to me! They grow fast so just be careful! Here is a video if it helps at all (did quick search on youtube)
  20. Tony30gal

    Goldfish with one very dialated eye

    What does the eye issue look like? a picture would really help us.. does it look like this? image source
  21. Tony30gal

    Sick/unhappy guppies

    I had struggled with guppy problems for years and finally figured it out. the mix of live plants and water changes really makes a huge difference. Here is a picture similar to what mine look like! image source
  22. Tony30gal

    Need help! Oscar.

    what about stealing some filter media to jump start the cycle on the other tank?
  23. Tony30gal

    Feeding pleco

    Yeah you need to plan for their nocturnal lifestyle
  24. Tony30gal

    Female betta looks bloated

    dude.. he just stated that the fish is fine and he bred her
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