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  1. mzzguillory

    help! my african cichlids are getting ecchymosis

    How can I treat this and stop reaccuurance? My cichlids have echymosis amd torn up fins and dying off one by one
  2. mzzguillory

    sex my angelfish plz.

    I tried googling. So confused. And what kind are they?
  3. mzzguillory

    help identify my cichlids please and thanks.

    One is a peacock.
  4. mzzguillory

    name my peacocks

  5. mzzguillory

    show your female jahonni pictures

  6. mzzguillory

    identify my cichlids please

    I know I have acei and kenyi and jahonni amd yellow lab but not sure my labs are both labs or if myborange fish are tigers or acei ......just let me know so I know for sure. Fish 1. Just top black fin and no stripes.
  7. mzzguillory

    tiger barbs dancing?

    My fish are swimming in circles mouth to mouth. One albino tiger barb and one reg tiger barb. My regular one has a greenish tint to him....does that mean something? Oh amd they both have orange it true males have orange noses?
  8. mzzguillory

    live cichlid online retailors?

    Good prices and good selection?
  9. mzzguillory

    name my fish?

    Ok a demasoni or kenyi?
  10. mzzguillory

    cichlid tank opinion?

    I was wondaring if it looked ok...its a 55g with sand. Its play sand and I hate it. Any good sand out there? I was a reddish brown or black or white. ..not sure. Im so confused. And I tried live plant bulbs but they never grow....amd I doing that wrong?
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