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  1. G

    Tiger Barbs, and Angel Fish

    I was out sniffing around for replacements for the Tigers- I will return them to my LFS. Stoopidly I didn't do the research myself, and had bought them on the recommendation of the person at the fish store. I was attracted to Tinfoil Barbs, Lampeye Tetras, and neon dwarf gourami's. Any input?
  2. G

    Tiger Barbs, and Angel Fish

    Dang. My main want is the angels, so it sounds like I should be returning these tigers. Any other reccomendations for suitable diddler? fish :|
  3. G

    Tiger Barbs, and Angel Fish

    Hi all- I have just started up a 29 gal fresh tank with an Eclipse top. I have so far put in 4 Tiger Barbs, and intend to add another 2, or 3 more in a couple of weeks. My intention is to eventually add about 4 angel fish. Am I looking for trouble by mixing these two breeds :? Thanks
  4. G

    beginner here!!!

    Another Newbie Hi all- I have just started up a 29 gal fresh tank with an Eclipse top. I have so far put in 4 Tiger Barbs, and intend to add another 2, or 3 more in a couple of weeks. My intention is to eventually add about 4 angel fish. Am I looking for trouble by mixing these two breeds ...
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