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  1. plantedtankman

    Update ony tank

    It has been a while since I've posted on here, so I'm going to update you all on my tank. Since my last couple of posts, I've lost my Orange Dwarf Crayfish and a GBR. I've pulled out some plants that I didn't find attractive. All of my fish seem to be doing fine. My stock includes: 7 Bentos...
  2. plantedtankman

    Flourish Excel not killing BBA

    I've read that Flourish Excel should kill BBA, but that's still not the case for me. I still have it growing my tank. The Excel has also taken a toll on my Java Ferns. What should I do?
  3. plantedtankman

    College Football!

    How great is it to have College Football back?! I've been waiting and waiting and it is finally here. So talk about your favorite team, make predictions, or talk about anything related to the subject. And remember, no fighting!
  4. plantedtankman

    Tell me about apistogramma

    Came across some apistogramma at my lfs. I was wanting to know some basic information about these dwarf cichlids. Are they peaceful? Should they be in pairs? Do they need caves? Are they good community fish like Rams? Please include more information if you can!
  5. plantedtankman

    New Fish Options.

    Well it looks like Rummynose Tetras will fail in my tank. I'm thinking of something to replace them as my remaining 5 don't look well. Maybe I just got a bad bunch of fish. Here are some possible options that I was thinking about: Black Phantom Tetras, Diamond Tetras, Platinum Hatchetfish...
  6. plantedtankman

    Rummynose Tetras are not active.

    I've noticed that my Rummynose Tetras are hiding a lot and not eating. They are hiding behind all of the rocks and plants that I have, and they rarely come out and school in the front of the tank. I have read that these fish are really sensitive and that they can die easily. I've had them for...
  7. plantedtankman

    My CPO

    Here is my Mexican Orange Dwarf Crayfish
  8. plantedtankman

    Crinum calamistratum

    I saw this plant at my ifs and it looked awesome. Could anyone tell me about? How many watts per gallon?
  9. plantedtankman

    New fish has mouth injury! Help!

    I got 7 Rummynose Tetras and one has a mouth injury. I took him/her out of the tank and I set up a "substitute"'quarantine tank using a container, an air pump, some aquarium salt, and some fish water from the tank. I added stress coat too. I would put him/her in a quarantine tank, but I don't...
  10. plantedtankman

    Got some Rummynose Tetras

    I got 7 Rummynose Tetras! How can I prevent them from dying?
  11. plantedtankman

    Foreground Plants

    Would Micro Swords be a good foreground plant for a tank that is 16 inches in height. I have some Pogostemon Helferi too. I've also heard that Java Moss could be a foreground plant.
  12. plantedtankman

    Dwarf Orange Crayfish compadibility

    I saw many awesome Dwarf Orange Crayfish at my lfs. Are they compatible with Cory Catfish and Panda Garra? Are they peaceful? Thanks in advance! The rest of my stock is listed on my profile.
  13. plantedtankman

    Does this Ludwigia look like it's dying?

    The leaves are drooping
  14. plantedtankman

    Best CHEAP place to order live plants.

    I would like to know if there is an online shop where I can find almost any aquarium plant I want that has shipping costs under $10.
  15. plantedtankman

    The future of fish tank technology!

    Hey all! I was just thinking of how much fish tanks have changed. Can you imagine what types of fish and what fish tanks will be like in 30-50 years from now? It makes you think....
  16. plantedtankman

    Plants to protect my future inverts. while their molting?

    I'm almost done finishing my stock. I'm planning on adding around 3 Amano Shrimp and an Orange Dwarf Crayfish to my 30 gallon. My only worry is that my Rams will pick on them when they molt. I've heard Java Moss is a good plant for Shrimp and other small invertebrates to hide in. Opinions? My...
  17. plantedtankman

    Show off your Tetras!

    Show off your Tetras.
  18. plantedtankman

    BEST algae eaters for the planted tank.

    I really like my Panda Garra, but their not eating much algae off of my glass. I'm planning on adding Amano Shrimp, but I know that they couldn't eat much algae off of the glass. I was thinking maybe some Otos since I have a 30 gallon. Or maybe a Bristlenose Pleco.
  19. plantedtankman

    Does anyone use the entire Flourish kit?

    I'm thinking about ordering all of the Flourish liquid products to improve the look of my plants. Does anyone use all of the liquid products and what are your thoughts?
  20. plantedtankman

    What is this black stuff on some of my plant leaves?

    What is this black stuff on some of my plant leaves? How do I get rid of it? Is it a type of algae or is it diatoms?
  21. plantedtankman

    How long should I have my light on?

    Hello all! I have a question to ask concerning how long I should have my light on. I have my lights on for 8 hours. My light fixture is made by AquaticLife. Here is some info about it: Fixture Length: 36 in. / 91.5 cm. Lamps included: (2) 36 in. 39W Fixture Wattage: 78W I am using Seachem...
  22. plantedtankman

    The most annoying thing in this hobby?

    For me.. it's putting backgrounds on my tank.
  23. plantedtankman

    Update on my Fish Stock/Plants

    I am very pleased with my recent fish additions. I got 2 Rams and 3 Bentos Tetras. Here is my current stock: 7 Bentos Tetras, 2 Rams, 5 Cory Catfish, and 2 Panda Garra. I would like to add: 2 Amano Shrimp, 2 more Rams, 6 Marbled Hatchetfish, 6-7 Rummynose or Cardinal Tetras, and maybe a...
  24. plantedtankman

    How many Rams could I put in a 30 gallon tank?

    I'm ready enjoying my new Rams and I would love to add some more. I have two at the moment.
  25. plantedtankman

    Got a pair of Rams today

    I got a pair of German Blue Rams today and they are really colorful.
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