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  1. NinjaNomad196

    Dwarf Frog Missing Chunk of Head!?

    I need some help! So I’ve had these two ADFs in my 10g tank for a couple months now. They live with 1 female betta, 2 male guppies, and 4 dwarf albino Cory cats. Regular water changes and it’s been mostly well kept. Well about 2 weeks ago I noticed a white spot on one of my frog’s noses but it...
  2. NinjaNomad196

    Dwarf Frog Missing Chunk of Head!?

    I need some help! So I’ve had these two ADFs in my 10g tank for a couple months now. They live with 1 female betta, 2 male guppies, and 4 dwarf albino Cory cats. Regular water changes and it’s been mostly well kept. Well about 2 weeks ago I noticed a white spot on one of my frog’s noses but it...
  3. NinjaNomad196

    Stocking 10g Tank?

    Hey guys, so it's been a few years since I've owned any pet fish. Well, my apartment allows me to have a 10g tank again, and I have an idea of what I would like my tank to consist of but wanted to run it through here and see if anybody had recommendations? -x1 Sunset Platy -x1 Guppy -x4 Cory...
  4. NinjaNomad196

    Cannibal Ghost Shrimp! Help!

    I recently added 5 ghost shrimp and 2 platy to my 10g tank. (It previously only had a single cory cat, as his group all passed on.) This morning, my pregnant ghost shrimp was sitting about. A smaller shrimp walked towards her, and she began to carry him by her mouth. He then died and she ate...
  5. NinjaNomad196

    Next dollar per gallon sale?

    Well, talked to my mom. Since she doesn't want me to have a second tank, I found a new use. If I get enough Christmas money, I will buy a 10g, mesh lid, and hamster supplies, as well as a winter white dwarf hamster. Our syrian died last month (Peaches) and I plan on getting this one and naming...
  6. NinjaNomad196

    How do I cure betta's ich?

    Thanks again Thanks, Daisy lasted from last year's June... she was technically my little brother's but, she was a good girl :)
  7. NinjaNomad196

    Next dollar per gallon sale?

    Hey, I've never really looked into one of these sales. While I don't have much room, I may be able to get a 2nd ten gallon (or 2nd tank period) in my room. If I convince my parents, what would I have to buy seperate? Does this include a hood or light? Also, how much would it cost do you think?
  8. NinjaNomad196

    How do I cure betta's ich?

    Thanks Thank you, kind sir. :thanks:
  9. NinjaNomad196

    How do I cure betta's ich?

    Well, I did water change + medicine right after making topic... fish died next morning. The day before hand my first fish I treated properly died at about 2 (platy) from age... it sucks, but now I have a molly, guppy, and emerald cory (his 3 friends died)
  10. NinjaNomad196

    How do I cure betta's ich?

    I think my betta has ich (white cottonish stuff around eye) and red coming off mouth? My mom refuses to do water changes because it's "cold outside." Can I try adding more water and a bit of safestart?
  11. NinjaNomad196

    In Loving Memory of Gunther

    Thanks both. In the future I plan on getting a tank with 3 platy, that look just like my original 3.
  12. NinjaNomad196

    In Loving Memory of Gunther

    Gunther (Turkaslovia) McFinn passed away this morning. He is my first "successful" fish, and is the reason I joined the forums. I got him last year at the end of March with 2 other (late) platy. He was mine, and my brothers each got one. We didn't know better, and had him in a one gallon. 2...
  13. NinjaNomad196

    Fish compatible with Aquatic Turtles

    My friend had 2 big goldies and a turtle by themselves in a 65 gallon, but idk what would work with this.
  14. NinjaNomad196

    Can an ADF last 4-nights with no food?

    I'm going on a 4-night vacay Sunday, and my little ADF will not eat unless handfed (other fish are being auto-fed) and we're gone 4 nights. How much bloodworms should he eat right before we leave, and will he last? He's used to a diet of every-other-day.
  15. NinjaNomad196

    What "human" foods to you give to your fish?

    I tried giving a platy a hot dog once, and he couldn't eat it. But they love peas.
  16. NinjaNomad196

    Stocking a 10 Gallon

    Kind of late, but anyways, if you want black kuhlis, Petsmart (my local one at least) sells them at about $2.09 a piece. I would go to an LFS, but my parents don't bring me hardly ever since it's 45-50 minutes away.
  17. NinjaNomad196

    Stocking a 10 Gallon

    Ok, I tried a few green cories in a 10g, and they didn't last long, only about 6 months later, and one is left... so I recommend kuhli loaches, maybe 6, honestly, as your bottom feeders. Anyways, I think the gourami and tetras should work...
  18. NinjaNomad196

    Good Bottom Feeders for 10g?

    Reply Sorry for late reply, I was busy, and then asleep, but here: I do realize khuli loaches like big groups, but they do have a small bioload, and I think they MIGHT work, but I'm still unsure. Anyways, I realize cories love friends, and that's kind of why I'm looking for more bottom...
  19. NinjaNomad196

    Good Bottom Feeders for 10g?

    Question Would this work: Maybe 1 kuhli loach, and 1 more cory? EDIT: Scratch that: how would 4 kuhli loaches do, and adding 0 cories?
  20. NinjaNomad196

    AQAdvisor Site Down?

    I'm not sure if you realized this, but seems to be not working. I post this because I know many people seem to like this as a good tool for fish stocking, even though it's not the most reliable, xD. Anyways, I hope it comes back, and if it works for you, I'd be glad to find out!
  21. NinjaNomad196

    Good Bottom Feeders for 10g?

    Reply Yeah, I kind of doubted plecos. xD, Anyways, I'm thinking more cories, but I love otocinclus, too, lol. EDIT: Also, I've always wondered if a second guppy would work in this tank.
  22. NinjaNomad196

    Good Bottom Feeders for 10g?

    Ok, my 10g tank has been set up for a while, and I just am wondering if there are any bottom feeders I could add (minus a snail or shrimp) My stock: -Platy -Molly -Guppy -African Dwarf Frog -Cory Cat I know this may be close to fully stocked or already is. I don't believe this is overstocked...
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