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  1. IsabellaRows

    Identify Cichlid

    They have somewhat of a blue sheen or very small blue dots
  2. IsabellaRows

    Identify Cichlid

    Its not a brichardi I know that for sure. Him and another were somehow mixed in with feeder minnows.
  3. IsabellaRows

    Identify Cichlid

    Anybody know what type of juvenile cichlid this is?
  4. IsabellaRows

    Identify juvenile cichlid

    Does anyone know what type of cichlid this is?
  5. IsabellaRows

    Tank refuses to cycle; 2 months

    Sorry, tech problems. I would keep the one filter in there and let the bacteria grow on it. Keep your one fish in there to cycle the tank, and then add more to the school. Adding too many at one time is NOT good for cycling the tank, hence loss of fish and other problems. I'm sorry to hear the...
  6. IsabellaRows

    Tank refuses to cycle; 2 months

    like you've had quite the experience there! Sounds to me, it's going through a cycle.... starting itself up again.
  7. IsabellaRows

    New cichlid 70 gallon tank

    The difference between a cichlid tank and a community tank is that a community tank holds a variety of peaceful / semi aggressive fishes whilst a cichlid tank has only cichlids as its main thing. You can have Plecos or upside down catfish in the tank as well since they usully get along, but it...
  8. IsabellaRows

    small tank advice

    Using a fish tank to add humidity to your bedroom isnt quite a good idea. Bettas DO jump, they can even squish themselves out of a dime sized hole and get out. I would say get a humidifier for your room, because you will definately need a tank that has a cover.
  9. IsabellaRows

    Let's talk about a 10g set-up

    Your two fighting barbs are most likely males. And since they are semi aggressive, it is not good to have that situation going on in such a small tank. How about upgrading to a 20 gallon?
  10. IsabellaRows

    Just unreal

    Holy crap. I could only watch a few seconds of that. Wish I could help the tangs and trigger :(
  11. IsabellaRows

    Nitrite reduction

    Yes. Water change water change water change, until levels are normal. Daily, or even twice daily.
  12. IsabellaRows

    Two cartridges in a marineland filter?

    I would assume that adding another cartiridge would cause the water to be filtered through two walls of carbon/floss. It would also add another spot for beneficial bacteria to grow.
  13. IsabellaRows

    Help identity this plant & fish

    It looks like Mondo grass to me as well
  14. IsabellaRows


    I think it's a tang....
  15. IsabellaRows

    Lighting Guidance

    I have a 15 gallon high tank with a Banana Plant, Amazon Sword, Argentinian Sword, Moneywort, and Ludwigia. What lighting system would be the best?
  16. IsabellaRows

    Betta Fish Names!!!!

    Scarlet Night
  17. IsabellaRows

    Ich (white spots)

    A recommended time to keep salt in the aquarium is 3 days after ich spots have disappeared from the fish. Understanding and Treating Ich or White Spot Also, it is best to do a 60 percent water change, or even 75, instead of a full water change. With the nitrogen cycle and all, too much of a...
  18. IsabellaRows

    Ich (white spots)

    About the frog, what I meant is if you choose salt treatment you will need to quarantine the froggie
  19. IsabellaRows

    Ich (white spots)

    You can also treat ich by salt, but if you add too much salt to your aquarium your frog will die. Good water quality and daily water changes are a must. Even if there isnt any ich on the other fish, there is free swimming ich parasites in the tank and gravel.
  20. IsabellaRows

    Stocking 20 high

    You could turn it into a cichld tank with Smaller african cichlids. Or have a community with a shoal of cory catfish, possibly a gourami, some livenearers. A school of glass catfish if you have lots of plants.
  21. IsabellaRows

    Locker Pet

    Tell him to do partial water changes every 2 days with his half gallon though.
  22. IsabellaRows

    Locker Pet

    Keep in mind we are discussing Betta splendins, which are raised in rice paddies in Thailand and bred by breeders who place them in practically any container they can find. Vendors ship them in tiny plastic bags with just enough water to get them there. Labyrinth fishes that breathe from the...
  23. IsabellaRows

    Locker Pet

    "what to do with this kid" Dont try to control your classmate. Just tell him positive, educated advice, maybe even buy him a good book on bettas. Look, if the little fish dies, he will learn from his mistakes. He is well intentioned and as far as I can tell, pretty intelligent.
  24. IsabellaRows

    Locker Pet

    Brilliant minds often have spunk :) At lest he didnt invent the Betta Purse
  25. IsabellaRows

    Locker Pet

    With a bowl that small, a heater would cook that fish. Thermometer is a great idea
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