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  1. N

    Betta Fish Not Very Active

    Not sure is this is just Betta behaviour. But I've had my Betta for about 3 months in a cycled 50 litre aquarium and he lives with 4 cory cats which he ignores. But the last month, he doesn't swim that much anymore. Only time he moves is to get air and to eat and either floats in one corner of...
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    Plants And Nitrates. How Many?

    Having 10 to 20ppm of nitrates in my tap water, my tank usually stays around 40ppm Nitrate and planning on adding plants to try and lower it as I can do 50% water changes as many times I want, still will be around 40 as its down to my tap water. Which are the best plants to soak up the excess...
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    Severum Cichlid In Community Tanks?

    So I got into a heated debate with a guy I know who deals with fish and saw he had a imported Severum Cichlid in stock and I remember my mum and dad keeping one of these successfully in a community tank about 6 years ago. I told him about this and he looked at me funny and said no Cichlid...
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    Opinion On My Cycle

    So I already have 2 established tanks that have been up and running for a year and a half and got a new tank last Saturday and started the cycle off on the Sunday and did a fish in cycle this time with 3 small hardy fish. On that sunday, filled the tank up, moved some plastic plants from my...
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    Tanked TV Show

    Does anyone watch this? I love the tanks they do but I always wonder, do these guys even cycle their tanks or even tanks they do for others? I notice they heavily over stock and saw in one episode them using bacteria in a bottle so are these guys really that knowledgeable if they using...
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    Leaving Cichlid Fry In The Tank?

    Did a 50% water change on my cichlid tank today and was surprised to see a baby orange cichlid shoot from a hole in my ocean rock, but there was only one :( I do have a hatchery but couldn't catch the little bugger :lol: and went to hide. As long as he/she can hide, shall I just leave him/her...
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    Using Tank Media From Established Tank?

    I'm currently cycling a 200 litre tank to keep 3 red bellied piranhas in and I already have 2 established tanks which have been up and running for 2 years (one is a angel fish and gourami tank and another is a cichlid tank) and to speed the cycling up, can I use a little filter media from each...
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    Issue With Lights

    My friend just gave me his old 200 litre tank, I'm currently testing for leaks and other equipment and do plan on cycling it to keep a small group of discus or red bellied piranhas but but when I filled the tank up, added the lights and a digital thermometer, saw the temp had shot up to 90 to 95...
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    Cichlids Dying! :(

    I have a 300 litre tank and currently have 15 cichlids in and this week I've had 3 die on me for no reason. Tested my water and its fine. My levels are: PH: 7.4 (added crush coral to raise it a little higher) Ammonia: 0ppm Nitrite: 0ppm Nitrate 5-10ppm There's been no sigh of illnesses and...
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    Controlling Algae

    How do you all control algae? It really irritates me and makes my tank look ugly and only grows on the back walls of the tank. I scrape it off and is back again within 2 weeks. My water parameters are good: Ammonia: 0ppm Nitrite: 0ppm Nitrate: 5ppm My lights go on at 10AM and go off around...
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    Seachem De Nitrate

    Has anyone had any success with this product and if so, did it have a large effect in lowering your nitrates? My last few posts have been about battling nitrate levels of 20ppm in my tap water so as I was adding to my tank, would sky rocket to 40 to 80ppm :( so the guy at the pet store...
  12. N

    Canister Filters? Nitrate Factories?

    Is it true canister filters are the cause for high Nitrates, especially if left for months without a good clean? I'm asking because I went to a pet store today to pick some fish in that was specially orded and got into a conversation with another customer and a store manager who was having...
  13. N

    Do I Have To Recycle My Tank? :(

    Did a gravel change the other day but didn't touch the filter as I assumed most to all bb lived in the filter. Tested my water today and my ammonia is at 1ppm :blink: and haven't had a ammonia spike for over a year now due to it being cycled. Did a 25% to 30% water change today and still 1ppm...
  14. N

    Bad API Nitrate Test?

    I'm currently helping a family member cycle a 200L Cichlid tank but they decided to do a fish in cycle which I explained will take longer but so far so good, keep ammonia and nitrite down by doing water changes every other day at most. But I took my API & Salifert Nitrate kit as its been...
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    Salifert vs API Test Kits

    Which kits do you prefer? I love API besides the annoying Nitrate test, dunno about anyone else but as soon as you put the viral against the card, it casts a shadow behind and gives you a darker reading but if you pull back maybe an inch, shows its lighter :facepalm: But I really like the...
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    FINALLY! Got Nitrates Down

    So happy right now. Been fighting 40ppm nitrates for last few months, no matter how many times I did a water change, did a gravel vacuums, my nitrates remained at 40PPM and lost a few of the less hardier fish :( So yesterday I started to suspect my substrate as I was using a very fine gravel...
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    Using Bottled Distilled Water?

    Since I'm still fighting against high nitrates in my water, is it ok to use bottled distilled (Not spring water) in my tank? Local store sells 2 litre bottle of distilled water for 17p each. Would I still need to use a declorinator in it or not? No one near me sells RO water and can't really...
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    40PPM Nitrate Problem, Help!

    My tank has been up and established for just about a year now and haven't had major issues with Nitrate until recently. After a water change and testing an hour later my Nitrate is still at 40PPM :( After testing my tap water, it has 20PPM of Nitrate :O so I'm having a endless battle because...
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    Gasping But No Nitrite?

    Noticed one of my kissing gourami's has been gasping more than usual, I am aware they have the labyrinth organ like betta fish and take in air from the surface but this one seems to do it a little more often than the other fish who do it very little. Took a water test just to make sure and...
  20. N

    Did We Start A Mini Cycle? :(

    My tank has been fully cycled for about 2 weeks now and during that time the ammonia has been 0, nitrite 0 and nitrates around 10-20ppm. well a few days ago I gave my fish some blood worms (frozen) and when I give them, I only feed once a day as they melt, a good amount is released. Well I...
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    Missing Clown Loach!

    So I have 2 baby clown loaches, roughly 4 centimetres each and I am aware of their adult size and will be moved to a larger tank in the future but one of the 2 has vanished into thin air with the last 24 hours and don't have a clue where he is :( Did a 35% water change today, vacuumed the...
  22. N

    Ich Won't Go Away On Betta

    Got a new betta last week, he's in a 40 litre tank on his own. Well a day after noticed 3-4 small white spots on him and knew it was ich as it was the same spots my neon tetras had in my other tank but that cleared up pretty easily with anti-white spot by interpet. My betta has his temp at...
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    Issue Reading Nitrate Test >.<

    I love API's fresh water master test kit but the Nitrate test frustrates me more than anything and is the most annoying to read. Tested my water today and test against the card says 40ppm, thought that can't be right, only did a weekly water change yesterday. So put brightness of my computer...
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    Kissing Gourami Sat Bottom Of Tank

    My tank has been cycled under a week and slowly stocking my tank. Currently I just have 2 kissing gourami's and 2 blue gourami's in a 160 litre tank. The blue gourami's are fine, active and very playful. But my 2 kissing gourami's are showing no physical illness such as white spot or clamped...
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    Eggs, Take Out Or Leave?

    Two of my female Rasboras are currently laying eggs on top of the thermometer and a few in some plants. Do I take them out or just leave them alone? Never had eggs before :lol:
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