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    big al's online

    I've put in more orders to bigals than I can count. Both small 2-3 items and large orders of a couple $100 with no problems. Shipping has always been at least average if not quite fast and there's never been a mistake. The shipping prices though are a bit higher than some other sites even...
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    What do you feed your Corydoras?

    Same stuff I feed all my other fish. Flakes, frozen bloodworms, frozen brineshrimp, freeze dried bloodworms, freeze dried krill, freeze dried tubifex, New Life Spectrum sinking wafers, NLS small fish pellets, NLS community pellets, spirulina pellets, shrimp pellets, and the snail food I get...
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    can i feed a..(help asap, it's in my hand >_<)

    I've thrown in lots of crickets and small grasshoppers from the yard. My nearest neighbor is over a half mile away. The congos love to tear the bugs apart and then the smaller fish clean up the leftovers which isn't much. My sister's friends watched me toss in 3 baby crickets and asked if I...
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    My biggest problem with planted tanks.

    I added some pretty rainbow shrimp to my planted 55g and enjoyed watching them go from light tan to various colors through out the day. The next day no shrimp and no bodies. A week later no shrimp and no bodies. 2 months later I was certain they had all died. :cry: Then I tore down the...
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    Feeding an Otto

    I've left cucumber slices in the tank for 5 days without a problem. It looked the same after 4 days as 1 day except smaller. In a small tank where it might mess up the water quality I'd probably remove it after 1 or 2 days but at least leave it in over 1 night.
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    cleaning driftwood???

    If it's white fungus then it will go away on it's own and no amount of scrubbing or boiling will do any good. Once it uses up whatever food source it's found in the wood it will stop coming back.
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    Feeding alternative foods

    Congo tetras have no problem tearing apart full sized grasshoppers from my garden. People ask me if I have parahnas in there. :D However fish with less teeth and smaller mouths might find it difficult for a big cricket. Most petstores will sell several sizes of crickets. If you can get...
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    Would two "light cycles" a day be ok?

    A short dark period for plants is ok but you wouldn't want it dark the entire time your gone. Without plants you can turn the lights on only when you want and the fewer hours the less algae issues your likely to encounter.
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    Would two "light cycles" a day be ok?

    If you don't have plants there should be no problem with it.
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    i got a question about lighting

    There are 4 types of fluorescent lighting. Normal output(NO), high output(HO), very high output(VHO), and power compact(pc). In all of these the length of the bulb determines the watts. So an 18" NO bulb is 15w. A 48" NO bulb is 40w. The HO and VHO use different phosphours to produce more...
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    Is my aquarium light to bright?

    I think less than 1wpg is a bit low for a melon sword. You might be able to grow some floating plants. That would also help with water quality. Duckweed is extremely easy but considered a pest by many for how hardy and fast growing it is. Not a problem if you're willing to just scoop a...
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    I Dislike My Puffer Tank ! ... Please Vote / Help A.S.A.P

    I don't really have much first hand experience with this puffer but quite frequently if you can get something that hangs out along the bottom and sides of the tank and it's not an easy target puffers will leave it alone. That does depend on individual personalities, size of the tank, and amount...
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    Is my aquarium light to bright?

    That's actually very low light. I generally have three to four times as much on my tanks. Fish do need decorations such as caves, driftwood, or plants(plastic or real) to hide behind so they'll feel safe. Once they settle into a tank and know they can hide if needed they start swimming around...
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    After owning an apple snail for 3 weeks....

    Applesnails are usually good algae eaters when they are starving such as when you first get them and they haven't been fed anything at the store. They'd benefit greatly from some blanched lettuce leaves or sinking crab bites. Mine absolutely love crab bites but it does depend on the type of...
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    I Dislike My Puffer Tank ! ... Please Vote / Help A.S.A.P

    T. Cutcutia can be quite agressive and attack other fish. They are even better suited to a species tank than dwarf puffers. Whether they'd notice bristlenose and attack them I don't know. They prefer rock structures or driftwood to plants but driftwood that leaks alot of tannic acid or large...
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    Alot of bottled spring water is 6.8ph and wouldn't be expensive for a betta tank. It also won't cause ph swings unless you get distilled or ro water by accident.
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    Substrate Reviews Here's where I got my Eco complete and there's no other substrate I'd rather use. The tahitian moon sand looked good for awhile but got dirty easy and has all the problems of normal sand. Eco complete doesn't compact or get anaerobic spots...
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    Quick question about painting the back of my tank

    I always paint the back except my latest attempt at moss covered cork background. Why not paint the back? It looks better than any fake picture backgrounds and it's more permanent than alot of other things. Not to mention cheaper and I absolutely hate those picture backgrounds. Paint isn't...
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    Jordanella Floridae demolishes duckweed

    I've never had a problem with duckweed except not being able to keep any of it in my tanks. It got eaten by gouramis, congo tetras, applesnails, and I'm sure I'm missing one. Just about every fish took a bite out of it. I even bought a whole pound of the stuff and have just 10 pieces left...
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    wet/dry set up is costly!

    Some sources say acrylic and plexiglass are not the same and some say they are and every source seems reliable so who knows. While researching setting up a sump for my planned saltwater tank most of the time the posts and instructions I read said to just use a good coating of silicone all...
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    hardiest fish ever?

    Danios I had 3 that cycled 2 tanks and survived my experiments to lower ph. They also got added to a tank with water straight from the tap. Which is how I found out my well water is full of dissolved gases and the fish can't breathe it plus it comes out at 6.8ph and goes up to 8.0. After I...
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    Unless your buffer is too low and the ph will drop it would be best to leave it. If you do want to raise it a small amount baking soda will increase kh which will increase ph by a controlled amount. You will have to add baking soda to every water change and measure it to make sure it's the...
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    Need to lower pH for my snails

    What's your gh? Snails need calcium in the water besides calcium carbonate. Are you feeding any high calcium veggies like kale or leaf lettuce? Lowering that hard of water with peat moss is going to take alot of peat and I highly doubt you'll be able to run enough carbon to remove the color...
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    Live Aquaria shipping costs?

    That's a great shipping price compared to places like Ordering a few fish from them was $50 shipping. :roll: I'm waiting till I can order all the fish I want at once and then sending an order to liveaquaria.
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    Fish-less Cycling Questions

    You can add plants while cycling. That's a good time to let them get established before you add the fish. First though get a test kit so you can tell how the tank is doing and when you can add fish.
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