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  1. MICEY

    Help please! Better to treat ich with heat or medication?

    sounds like a lot of fish in that tank which is new bet your tetras are dieing from ammonia or nitrites, none of those fish are great in a new tank they are all sensitive to water conditions
  2. MICEY

    Filter media for nitrate removing.

    get an ro filter , chempure also works great
  3. MICEY

    Roak!! Caption contest for osmocote root tabs

    just checking the presents for hiding fish but only found some brownies
  4. MICEY

    Shoaling question tetras

    white clouds don't need a heater as long as the water does not freeze they come from the mountains of china and live in cool temps they are not tropical fish they are also very easy to breed and many people use them for feeders , there very colorful fish if given proper food and living conditions
  5. MICEY

    Is my Krib male or female?

    looks like a female males have point on the tail
  6. MICEY

    Shoaling question tetras

    tetras are not the best fish to put in a new tank barbs are better but if there doing ok after a few weeks all is good I prefer the look of the cardinals better than the neons I would have at leat 6 of each kind the more the better you can easierly put 75 fish thatb size in the tank just don't...
  7. MICEY

    Silly loach behavior

    my yo yo loachs are all clowns
  8. MICEY

    Laser pointer

    I was playing with my fox terror with a laser pointer (it drives him crazy chasing the red dot , and I shined it on the fish tank and all the barbs started chasing the dot it was funny but the angel just sat there he will not go after live food just flakes :dance:
  9. MICEY

    Reusing pwc water for garden

    I water all my flowering plants with it
  10. MICEY

    Best way to clean out an algae outbreak?

    best way to remove algae is to put a bristle nose in the tank they will clean every bit of it in a few weeks and keep the glass and plants spotless
  11. MICEY

    Treating Ich while upgrading tanks.

    move everything except the fish into new tank keep fish in bare old tank and treat the for minimum 2 weeks which will kill all the ick on the fish and all the ick on the rocks and everything else will die without the fish in the tank
  12. MICEY

    my happy angel

    here is a picture of my happy angel taken with my new ( for me) camera
  13. MICEY

    Oscar info

    oscars need very good filtration they are messy eater , if youy feed feeders which is a bad idea there always sick they will make a mess with scales
  14. MICEY

    Acclimated fish and stress coat?

    I never be-leaved in adding un necessary chemicals to your tank and most lfs add it to the water in the bag to replace the slime they lose when netted also depends on the fish a large tough cichilid that is treated gently probly does not need it a much more sensitive fish like a neon that was...
  15. MICEY

    URGENT - Help - ICK

    remember it takes 2 weeks for complete treatment(some people say 10 days but I like to, add a few more to be shore vacuuming the gravel helps a little and so does a micro filter , I used to treat most ick with heat and a diatom filter the best way if you have a large tank is to remove your...
  16. MICEY

    URGENT - Help - ICK

    swimming around and rubbing on stuff is a simtum of ick if you get drugs to kill the ick make shore its ok for the corries they don't like salt and some ick treatments are not safe for catfish I like coppersafe it kills most external parisites so if you are wrong and its not ick but something...
  17. MICEY

    Safely change heater?

    unless it is a tiny tank just switch the and keep an eye on the new heater ,if the new heater does not go on and the water starts cooling off just put the old on back in , my heater rarely goes on my tanks in the warmest part of my house in cool weather
  18. MICEY

    What if the lights go out?

    I lost power for a full week last year with no heat < house got down in the 50f but had no problems with my fish, there is plenty of oxygen in the water in the tank to keep the fish and bacteria ok and a hob has a lot of surface area to keep oxygen in the water heat is the biggest problem but...
  19. MICEY

    Ich precautions? Pre treat with heat or meds?

    I would wait and see If you are only feeding blood worms you need to get a good staple food for them platies need veggies in there diet I would go with a premium smaller pellet , or flake(pellets pollute the water less ) I like the food from kens fish Ken's Premium Super Color Pellets 1.5mm
  20. MICEY

    Your Favorite "Eels"

    love my yo yo loachs they never stop moving
  21. MICEY

    L144 Pleco females sick or fighting body patch and bloody fin?

    sorry about your fish I have had great luck with binox ,it killed some really nasty fugal infections with some bacteria added in
  22. MICEY

    Jack Dempsey Cichlid - Don't want him to die!!!

    a adult cichlid like a jd only needs to be fed a few times a week , try using whole shrimp from the supermarket , stay away from flakes for large fish they waste to much you can add the second filter jd's come from rivers so the current is ok stop adding chemicals to the tank most of the...
  23. MICEY

    Snail Invasion and ID help plz

    loachs love to eat small snails , but they may eat the ones you want also
  24. MICEY

    sex the bn

    this is a male bn right
  25. MICEY

    Is an air pump necessary?

    I only use a ai rpump to hatch eggs or with a sponge filter with fry , I only use a filter in my main tanks , even run my sponge filters with power heads except with fry only time you need to use an air stone in your tank is if the water is very hot (in summer) or if you are treating for illness
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