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  1. T

    New 20 Gal Freshwater Problems

    Thanks to the info I gathered off this site, my tank is much better. My brother has an established 60 gallon tank and I was able to get some gravel from his tank and hang it in the filter. The water clarity is getting much better and the fish seem to be quite content. I do have a question...
  2. T

    New 20 Gal Freshwater Problems

    The catfish is a Cory Sent from my iPad using Aquarium Advice
  3. T

    New 20 Gal Freshwater Problems

    I'm guessing I didn't. I'm new to this and I didn't understand the cycling process as well as I do now. The suggestion from the pet store was to wait 2 days after the tank has been setup then add fish. I actually waited 5 or so. The fish don't appear to be in distress but I'm going to...
  4. T

    New 20 Gal Freshwater Problems

    I setup a 20 gal freshwater tank and am having problems with cloudy water. I have 6 Glofish tetra and 1 catfish. I've treated the water with easy balance, marine land aquarium conditioner, let it cycle for 4 days and it looked like it was getting cloudy on the 4th day. I added the fish on...
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