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    10 Gallon Non Co2 Help

    You could use Seachem Fluorish Excel. It provides "Co2," and it's a small tank so it should work fine. Besides, using Fluorish would expand your plant options, and it's pretty cheap.
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    New 10 gal planted

    Red tiger lotus would be a great addition, since they add a flash of red and don't require any iron fertilizers or so, just Co2 and a main supplement like Fluorish Seachem and fertz. You could have a floating indian fern. Currently in my 10 gallon I have tons of red cabomba, a gigantic water...
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    Fishenthusiast's 30 Gallon Asian Biotope Tank

    lol, Coursair so true about the gouramis. One of the gouramis has a rounded fin, a foolish attempt because it so obvious that it's male, and fishenthusiast most gouramis are very peaceful to other fish, my 2 gouramis don't try to attack any of the other fish so they should be fine with shrimp or...
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    Help! Betta is sluggish

    Just continue the water changes for 2-3 days more.
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    Purple Leaves on Amazon Sword

    Those leaves seem brown and dead, do you use an fertilizers for amazon sword, because it might be dying.
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    Lots of Planted Tank Questions for 3 Month Newbie

    I'm pretty sure my dwarf hair grass isn't going to carpet, but I'm just trying. So do I have to turn the air pump off. :( I kind of like the look. What lights would you recommend. I love your tank though. What plant is that floating at the top, duckweed?
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    Purple Leaves on Amazon Sword

    You may have a melon sword, and since it's not brown no need to worry, but I'm gonna bet with melon sword since melon swords turn purple, red-ish.
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    Fishenthusiast's 30 Gallon Asian Biotope Tank

    I have 2 dwarf gouramis in my 10 gallon. They're both males, and luckily there is minimum aggression (this shouldn't have worked out but I got lucky), however 4-5 gouramis from the same tank should be good since dwarf gouramis form a hierarchy. I have to say it's bit overstocked but I like my...
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    second dwarf gourami?

    2 male gouramis would've worked out if they were originally in the same tank and put in the tank at the same time. I have 2 flame gouramis in a 10 gallon, and just a little chasing, but other than that they are fine, but they were from the same tank and introduced at the same time. This is key.
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    Plants and snails

    Maybe you can separate the snail to it's own small little tank.
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    my aquarium dreams

    the plants can live forever if you propagate them, and I have a dream very similar to yours. You can use live plants in both your current tanks, if you pcik the right types it's pretty cheap and easy to maintain.
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    Advice on new Betta tank!!!

    Any shrimp with not too bright colors should be fine.
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    Plants and snails

    I think, you might have gotten ripped off by your pet store then, since pet stores often sell pond snails as other types of snails, and pond snails will eat live plants that aren't even rotting.
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    Stocking a 4 gallon cube tank ?

    30 boraras micros and 7 shrimp. Should look fabulous if aquascaped or planted.
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    Cardinal Tetra Tank Help

    Oh yah and a Fluorite substrate, black background, un-boiled driftwood which will release tannins making the tank yellow, and plants like amazon swords, and a slight current shoul give an amazon feel.
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    Cardinal Tetra Tank Help

    I know I'm gonna get criticized for this, but if you keep on top of your water changes and heavily plant your tank you could have about 40 cardinals in there. I suggest you go with neons instead. They're hardier.
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    Help! Betta is sluggish

    Could you post a more close-up picture of him. It could be fin-rot. For this short period only add 2 tablespoons of salt, and do 50% water changes every other day, but remember to replace the salt when you do the water change. What chemicals do you use? (pH buffers, Fluorish Excel, etc.)
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    Advice on new Betta tank!!!

    Well, a tank cover should be used in case since bettas are jumpers, and you don't want to take chances. A plant I would recommend is water sprite. It grows like a weed when floating and develops many floating roots which suck nitrates and stuff out of the water, and besides sand isn't that good...
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    plants for cold water

    I don't know if anyone said this, but cabomba can be a great addition, and those banana plants, I think.
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    Plants and snails

    Normally, they don't. Only the dead parts. Anymore details, such as plant types and the size of your snail.
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    1 Gallon Nano tank

    Stunning. And as some of the other comments said it looks much larger than it is. Your fish beautifully contrast with the scape.
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    Fishenthusiast's 30 Gallon Asian Biotope Tank

    You could have an Indian fern floating at the top. Once the Indian fern grows humongous it's very pretty.
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    Natural look?

    That actually looks very realistic and beautiful. :lol:
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    Lots of Planted Tank Questions for 3 Month Newbie

    The plants aren't really new. About 3 months old. And just in one night, the water sprite seems so much more healthier. What iron fertilizers would you recommend?
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