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  1. S

    Help my possible ‘pregnant’ goldfish

    Hmm. I personally have never bred anything but angel fish (and lots of pest snails lol) so I can't say how long a goldfish would show if it is egg laden. I would still try testing the water. I've read that fiddling with temperature can trigger spawning behavior so that might be something to try...
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    Help my possible ‘pregnant’ goldfish

    Why do you think mating over something like a parasite? My first instinct is to check water quality and see if you can catch sight of any poop.
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    Case of ich in tank!

    Not a problem! I've dealt with ich in my own tanks so I'm well aware how stressful it can be (and not just on the fish!) But honestly, your case is mild so you should be perfectly fine so long as you keep that water quality nice. Good luck!
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    Case of ich in tank!

    Here a great article about heat treating an aquarium: Using Heat to Treat Ich in Freshwater Tropical Fish - Article at The Age of Aquariums - Tropical Fish Yes, a short term exposure to higher temps should be fine. It would be a problem if you kep your fish that high for months but a bit over a...
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    Case of ich in tank!

    That doesn't look all that bad at all, to be honest. I've had much worse
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    Case of ich in tank!

    You could always do a heat treatment. None of your fish are particularly sensitive to heat from what I've experienced. To do a heat treatment you raise the temp 1c/2f per hour until it's around 30c/86f. That temperature prevents new infection and will even stop the parasite from reproducing...
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    Case of ich in tank!

    Hmm Bermuda doesn't seem to like saying what is in their products. Can't even find a picture of the back... do you have the bottle nearby so you can see the back? Malachite Green is a common Ich treatment ingredient but scaless fish like catfish and loaches don't tend to react well to it.
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    Case of ich in tank!

    Well, I wouldn't move them if all you have is another occupied tank. You don't want to risk potentially spreading anything to the not infected tank. The fish I listed are known to be sensitive to certain medications and salt. Since moving them isn't an option you are going to instead have to be...
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    Case of ich in tank!

    Okay. What brand pond treatment did you get? From what I understand pond and freshwater chemicals are usually the same and it's concentrations that are different (from the few things I've compared). Do you have a separate tank that you might be able to use as a hospital tank? I only ask because...
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    Case of ich in tank!

    First, take a breath and try not to panic. Let's get some basics out of the way. It'll help determine course of action. You want to test your water parameters. Ich tends to be brought on by stress and/or water chemistry problems. When do you usually do a water change and how much water at a...
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    Fishless cycle question

    No problem if you have any other problems/questions That article is one I refer to quite often.
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    Fishless cycle question

    Your goal should be to reach the point where, when you dose up to 4 ppm of ammonia the next day you see 0 ppm ammonia and nitrite. So keep going. You look like you're getting pretty close thanks to seeding with the old media
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    BRUh This dude wanted a Nile croc

    Is the point of this thread really just to point and laugh/shame someone else's thread posted way back in 2015? That's rather concerning.
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    Cloudy tank so far unresolved

    Couple of questions so I can try and help: Have you done a full water parameter test with ammonia, nitrates and nitrites? What is your usual water change schedule? How long are your lights on for?
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    Molly Not Adjusting Well

    I think baking soda is a pH thing. Which, OP I wouldn't bother messng with pH. It's more trouble than it's worth and most fish can adjust to the natural pH of your water if give proper acclimation time.
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    Can fish get ich with nothing new introduced?

    Everything Aiken said. It's very possible to get Ich without adding anything and tresting the Ich won't solve the underlying issue. Since you don't have test kits or at least not all of them. I would recommend just going ahead full steam with water changes. Water changes really can't be done too...
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    New Homemade Aquabridge Discovered by Gourami and Betta

    Neat! I've always wanted to do something like this. I also really like your scapes by the way!
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    Acclimating New fish to New Tank

    Are you sure you need the co2 bubbler? Your tank isn't that big and if you're having algae growth maybe it's unnecessary or up too high? That might also be why the fish are up near the top, if the water doesn't have enough oxygen.
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    What is your water change schedule? Right now you definitely need to get those levels more under control. Water change I would say at least 50%. Oddly it almost looks like you aren't fully cycled. Have you changed anything besides the testing method?
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    Ready to make a switch: TANK FERTILIZER

    So, I've started using thrive this week now that I've finished off the seachem. So I've got a couple first impressions for yall. Mostly related to dosing methods. I like the pump bottle method sooooo much more than pouring. It's quick and easy to remember. 1 pump per 10 gallons. I have 125...
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    What is wrong with my snail's shell?

    Is there any source of calcium in the tank for them? Most shell issues that I personally have come across seem to stem from not enough calcium for the snails to grow/maintain nice shells
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    Could this be ICH?

    It's a little hard to tell from the pictures but it very well could be based on what you have said. I've found sometimes, if you catch ICH early enough by keeping water quality very good you don't need to treat. BUT (and this is a big but) I've only managed it if I only see a few dots like this...
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    Mistakes were made

    No problem, if you have any other questions feel free to ask
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    New to fish keeping - help? :)

    A bigger filter would help with bioload. The plants you said will also help. But the large tank requirements are for bioload and pure size of the fish so while it helps to upgrade the filter it won't make up for having that additional water volume.
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    Mistakes were made

    At this point, I see nothing to be gained by moving the cories to the smaller tank. If the tank parameters have stabilized, then you're just making more work for yourself in having this other tank going too. Has the ich been fully dealt with or do the cories still have spots? It seems as if the...
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