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  1. M

    New aquascape

    Beautiful! Sent from my iPad using Aquarium Advice
  2. M

    New aquascape

    What plants do you use and how hard is it to get it going? Sent from my iPad using Aquarium Advice
  3. M

    Electric gravel vac?

    Thanks! I'm a newbie and feel I'm in over my head at times. I've recently moved my Oscar and convict to a 60 gallon. I cycled it for a week including a dirty filter from the previous tank and all readings were acceptable. However, a few days later I smelled an odor, which I researched was...
  4. M

    Electric gravel vac?

    I have an Oscar that gets stressed every time I do a water change. He lays on his side and takes an hour or so to act normal. Does anyone else have this problem? Sent from my iPad using Aquarium Advice
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