10g planted

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Dec 8, 2012
OK GUYS! So here is me case, I'm getting a 10gal. tank, i need to buy a light, and maybe a filter, its going to be a planted tank to grow plants big for my 55gal tank, suggestions on quick growing beginner plants? :), I'm also looking for good fertilizer and anything for them to grow FAST! while being healthy!!! Thanks :):thanks:
Get dwarf sage and jungle Val's and amazon swords.

Heya, I edited your post for language, this is a family friendly site so we try to keep everything PG.

To the OP, You could try doing a soil tank, look up NPT, walstad, or mineralized topsoil in google and you should come up with a ton of info. You could also just dose ferts, seachem flourish comprehensive is a good all around fert.

For beginner plants you have lots of options if you get a decent light, a 2 bulb cfl fixture is plenty. I suggest going to a lfs and just picking out a few things you like to see how they do in your tank. Just be careful not to get the 'semi-aquatic' plants that don't grow submerged well.
Heya, I edited your post for language, this is a family friendly site so we try to keep everything PG.

To the OP, You could try doing a soil tank, look up NPT, walstad, or mineralized topsoil in google and you should come up with a ton of info. You could also just dose ferts, seachem flourish comprehensive is a good all around fert.

For beginner plants you have lots of options if you get a decent light, a 2 bulb cfl fixture is plenty. I suggest going to a lfs and just picking out a few things you like to see how they do in your tank. Just be careful not to get the 'semi-aquatic' plants that don't grow submerged well.

Going with the dirted tank would be best costwise and more effective that other things such as root tabs or liquid frets. Plants absorb 4-40x as much nutrients threw there roots than there leaves. Ferts help but feeding the roots is the most important. Something to think about before tackling the planted game of aquarium keeping
I have a ten gallon that I set up in October and probably the fastest growing plant I have in it is water wisteria. I just have two socket hood that came with the tank and I put 2 20w 6500k cfls in it and everything is growing great!
Here is a pic from when I set it up in October the wisteria is the little plants in the back right corner and a pic of the tank now the wisteria I keep trimming it a d replanting it. Now i have it on both sides and it is growing like crazy


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