2 questions

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Jan 28, 2011
Haha i posted this first question but it went unanswered so I will try my luck again.

I have 2 juvenile clownfish, the smaller would twitch for the bigger clown. But now, I've caught the bigger clownfish on 2 occasions twitching for the smaller clown. Why is that? They swim together and sleep together, aren't they paired?

2nd question: Aren't gobies docile with other fish? My girlfriend got me a white goby and some salt mix as a very late valentine's day present :p The clowns examined him while acclimation, and everything has been good:]

Except yesterday, I saw the goby chasing my smaller clown. It wasn't like a high speed chase but the goby would swim up to the clown and follow him when he would flinch and move.
Someone just posted about their clowns twitching just a bit ago. Apparently it's normal.
Someone just posted about their clowns twitching just a bit ago. Apparently it's normal.

Hmmm i know its normal for the smaller clownfish to twitch for the bigger to show that he gives in to the other's dominance which is why i'm confused as to why the bigger clown is twitching for the smaller now haha
they will both twitch for quite a while until one becomes the most dominant female,its all normal

Thank You:] Can you also tell me why the goby chases the smaller clown? Could he be getting too close to the goby's area?
Gobies in general are peaceful docile fish. Could just be trying say what's up to the clown. And the clown doesn't speak goby. Lol. Sorry if that wasn't much help. I am sure it will calm down. New fish tend to do weird things sometimes while getting aclimated.
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