35 Gallon Hex

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Aug 13, 2013
Hello everyone!

While this is my first post on this site, I am by no means new to having aquariums. However, I'm a little stumped with this tank. Ideally this is what I want to have in it:
A pair of Angelfish would be the centerpiece fish. (which I already have in another tank.)
Six corydoras panda.
Either six hatchetfish or six cardinal tetras. (The tank the angelfish are in now is stocked with cardinals and they cope fine.)
And I would really like to try rams out, I've never had them before.

I want to set the tank up with a few amazon swords, and other assorted plants for coverage. My question is how does the stocking look?
Hello Ja...

I've always judged the number of fish I could have by multiplying the length of the tank by the width and dividing by 12. This is a good starting point, because the resulting number gives the number of inches of adult fish that can safely live in the tank.

I'm a bit of a water change fanatic, so I add a few more fish to the total, knowing that large, frequent water changes will maintain a safe water chemistry for the fish.

Just a thought.

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