40g breeder angel community stocking

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Sep 19, 2012
I've been wanting to do an angelfish tank, and all i have available is a 40g reeder, it'll be planted (not sure how heavily yet). But before i start thinking about stocking i wanted to find out how many angels i can have in this tank, i've been reading conflicting things so i figured i ought to just ask around.
Thanks in advance for any help. :)
The idea i've been having lately is just to get four babies and go from there, think that may work?
Breeder tanks really are not appropriate for Angels. The fish get too tall and the tank is too short.
Exactly how tall is a 40 breeder? Angels really need a tank that is 18" tall once they mature because you have to figure you lose 2" of height due to substrate. Veil angels need an even taller tank. Are you planning to upgrade later on? If so you could easily start with 4 dime to nickle size bodied young angels and let them mature and see who or how many pair up. Then you'd want to remove 2. I've done angels since the 80's and found a 40g will only hold one adult pair due to aggression issues.
16 inches.

A 40b has a wonderful footprint ( 36x18 ) but they are short. If you want the footprint in a taller tank more appropriate for Angels try a 65 gallon ( 36x18x24 ).
So is the consensus no angels for the tank? Idk when i could actually have a bigger setup, although i'm all for having another tank. ;) haha
But really i could definitely do two angels if that's all i have space for!
Also, sorry i keep ignoring random parts of responses, i start replying an forget about certain things.
You could do two babies but once they start to get big you would have to rehome them. It's not fair to keep them in too shallow a tank once they mature.
I'd have to agree with you there. How fast do they get to their full height/how tall do they get? Just the everyday garden variety.
They do alot of growing the first year and then continue more slowly after that. With my last 14 I got them at the dime and nickle sized body, in about a year they all are from a half dollar to a silver dollar body size with two being larger than that.
Well i guess the big question is, how long do i have before it's too shallow for them?
They do alot of growing the first year and then continue more slowly after that. With my last 14 I got them at the dime and nickle sized body, in about a year they all are from a half dollar to a silver dollar body size with two being larger than that.
I must have mutant Angels! I have had mine since about April. They were about the size of a quarter when I got them. They both now measure about 7-8 inches tall from tip to tip.
I'm talking body size, which is how they are measured, not fin to fin. You have veils?
So If i'm not mistaken, the problem here is mainly that after a certain amount of time, they'll be too tall for the aquarium?
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