5 Gallon tank new tankmates?

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What about green neons? They are a tiny version...not saying it's ok! Just asking so someone that knows can answer...anywho...have you tried Aqadvisor? Not always completely accurate...but could help!
I would think the Betta would get them if they're that small. IMHO I wouldn't put any fish in a 5 gallon... Not even the Betta. Yes he will SURVIVE in there, but he would THRIVE and bring out his personality more in a ten gallon. Just IMO.
Homedog98 said:
I would think the Betta would get them. IMHO I wouldn't put any fish in a 5 gallon... Not even the Betta. Yes he will SURVIVE in there, but he would THRIVE and bring out his personality more in a ten gallon. Just IMO.

I've heard green neons are perfectly compatible with Bettas...depending on his temperament of course, they are not aggressive towards many things, except their own kind, and other labyrinth fish such as guaramis ( I believe)
Revenantwing said:
i will probably get one or 2. about it for this 5 gallon :D

Can you opt out of a five gallon, and just pick up a ten gallon? They shouldn't be that expensive, and you'll have a few more options...
Joyler said:
Can you opt out of a five gallon, and just pick up a ten gallon? They shouldn't be that expensive, and you'll have a few more options...

+6!!! (10 bucks at walmart) just saying...
Saweet! I'd say go for it, and use the 5g as a hospital :) green neons are quick little suckers :) I'm thinking of getting a big group of them for my 50g probably around 12...I believe 6 is kinda the lower end of comfortable for them :)
I would think the Betta would get them if they're that small. IMHO I wouldn't put any fish in a 5 gallon... Not even the Betta. Yes he will SURVIVE in there, but he would THRIVE and bring out his personality more in a ten gallon. Just IMO.

According to everything I've heard, betta fish are pond fish and will do quite nicely in a 5 gallon. Sure, they're not going to do as well in a small cup or bowl, but a betta doesn't need a ton of space like tetras or danios to swim in. So if you want to pick up a 10 gallon, great! That'll make it so you can have a lot more options. But I don't think you need to worry about the 5 gallon being too small for your betta.

Edit: And just a note on the price of upgrading, I'd be wary with a $10 estimate. After everything you'll need (a hood, a bigger filter, more gravel, filter media, a bigger heater, etc, etc) I wouldn't upgrade without $100 to spend, at the least.
Can you opt out of a five gallon, and just pick up a ten gallon? They shouldn't be that expensive, and you'll have a few more options...

I must agree here too. The first thing you should be considering is not really the fish that are compatible with your Betta, but rather what fish could manage in a 5-gallon tank. That will really cut down on the possible tank mates to choose from in...

I do recommend upgrading to a 10-Gallon if possible. And as Rose said, that certainly can get expensive.
I guess I can make good suggestions when sleepy, yay! I'm learning!!
well my parents literally killed me when i got my 5 gallon not sure 10 gallons is going to be any better. Guess ill stick to ghost shrimp
Revenantwing said:
well my parents literally killed me when i got my 5 gallon not sure 10 gallons is going to be any better. Guess ill stick to ghost shrimp

Creepy... So does that mean your a ghost???;)
xD so complicated to get cycled gravel now :/ shoulda got more when i had the chance!
well my parents literally killed me when i got my 5 gallon not sure 10 gallons is going to be any better. Guess ill stick to ghost shrimp

Haha, imagine my own mother's response when I got the 29G and didn't tell her. <_<;

Oh well.

Ghost Shrimp are a great choice and fun to watch. Being so inexpensive, you'll find they're easy to replace.
I think a betta and a snail in a properly filtered and heated to 80F 5 gal tank will allow a betta to thrive..not just survive. Of course the bigger the better but IMHO, as the owner of 11 happy healthy bettas, 5 gals is their minimum to thrive.
siva said:
I think a betta and a snail in a properly filtered and heated to 80F 5 gal tank will allow a betta to thrive..not just survive. Of course the bigger the better but IMHO, as the owner of 11 happy healthy bettas, 5 gals is their minimum to thrive.

xD You're suffering from MTS aren't you?
LOL some friends came over this weekend that haven't been to my house in a while and they asked if I needed an intervention :confused:
LOL. Well, this is called AA for a reason. Different initials, same concept. =P Anyways, I'll stop here as we're getting off-topic. Good luck Revenant!
CoyoteWildfire said:
LOL. Well, this is called AA for a reason. Different initials, same concept. =P Anyways, I'll stop here as we're getting off-topic. Good luck Revenant!

Aquarists anonymous!! Haha I was just thinkin that earlier
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