55 gallon, soon to be planted. suggestions?

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Jul 19, 2005
Pompton Lakes, New Jersey
Hey, I have been out of the planted tank scene for a while. Well I cleaned out a 55 gallon tank i had away and set it up several months ago for my dad.
It currently has pebbles as substrate and a little fluorescent canopy.

My plan for the tank is to switch to pool filter sand as substrate. To enrich the substrate what would be recomended?

Also, for lighting i have 2 48 in. dual shop lights i will be using with daylight t8 bulbs with a total output of 128 watts giving me about 2.3 wpg. Things may have changed over the past years im trying to catch up but if i remember this is about medium lighting correct?

For plants i was thining of several easy to maintain plants as I wont be able to access the tank at all times.

My list so far:
Anacharis (nice easy filler for my dad to take care of)
Anubias Nana
Java Fern
Amazon Sword
Sprial Vals
Crpyt Wenditti
Purple Camboba

There will be some dritfwood in the tank also.

So i am asking for suggestions on plants with the preceding info.Any help will be appreciated, and the sooner the better so i can get going. Thanks
Most of the plants you have listed get the nutrients they need from the water column so you can plant them in plain sand. The sword, crypt, and vals are root feeders so you'll need root tabs at least to grow them good.

2.3 wpg is medium light and very close to the threshold of needing co2 btw. As far as plants go check out www.plantgeek.net/plantguide_cat.php?category=1 . You have a ton of plants that will grow with med light.
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