8 gallon aqueon evolve!

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Sep 30, 2012
Pretty sure my gf is getting me one for Christmas. I was thinking about saltwater but I wanted to see if anyone had any freshwater suggestion. So, let's hear it guys. I'm open to any and all inputs.
Although there are plenty of nano pico-type saltwater tanks around these days, I don't recommend using that small of a tank for a saltwater application. Stick with freshwater in that size.

How about a planted tank with a few galaxy rasboras, ember tetras or endler's livebearers? You may have to work with the lighting a bit, but it's doable.

Maybe I'll think about that. Galaxy rasboras with some cherry shrimp in a planted sound great. DHG, Mosses, I can see it.

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