A New Ropefish

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Aquarium Advice FINatic
Apr 2, 2005
So I broke down and bought another Ropefish last weekend. After my failed attempt of saving one a couple of weeks ago (the employee at the store dropped it on the floor twice so I tried to save it) I just couldn't stop thinking about them. This time there was a new girl working there and she was so calm and gentle when catching it. I was very relieved to see it make it into the bag safe and sound.

Well, today is the 2nd full day of having her (I'm thinking it's a she based on what I've read about the anal fin and dorsal fin) and I've yet to see her eat anything. I know that they're nocturnal and have very poor eyesight so I've been doing all that I can to help her find the food, but I'd really like to know she's eating. I've been offering frozen brine shrimp and frozen beefheart. Everytime I offer these foods she starts moving around as if she can smell it and is looking for it, but she's yet to find it. The past couple of nights I've shut every light off leaving just enough light in the room to make our her silhouette as she swims through the tank. When she gets in view I drop the food right down in front of her, but she turns and swims away without eating any.

I just don't know what to do, she's really worrying me. I don't know if this is normal or not as she's adjusting to a whole new world. I don't have any feeder fish or ghost shrimp just yet to offer her, but with everything I've read online I thought for sure the frozen food would hold her over until I can find some fish or shrimp to feed her. How can I tell if she's eating and is there anything that I can do differently to entice her to eat? While I'm talking about feeder fish, what do you other Ropefish owners use as feeder fish? I'm really uncomfortable with feeding the 'true' feeder fish as I've read they carry diseases, but Ghost Shrimp aren't a reliable find around here either. I've heard they'll eat Neons, but I also fear Neon Tetra Disease. Any other suggestions?

Also, just in case somebody was thinking of asking/commenting. I'm keeping her in a 75 gallon tank that IS tightly secure to prevent her from escaping. I'm also going to be getting at least one more when I find a healthy one to be her companion.
I'd be patient and give her a bit more time. It can take a few days to get acclimated and comfortable to new surroundings. Any pics of her? I would continue on with the feeding you are doing or ask the lfs what they had been feeding her.
Thanks Anne! I feel so much better right now because I finally got see her eat something! I tossed in a couple frozen drops of Beefheart and after searching for about a minute or so she found it and ripped right into it. I let out a huge sign at this sight! I guess this means she's at least starting to settle in!! :)

I'm still curious about my feeder fish / ghost shrimp questions though as I know it's not very healthy to feed *only* frozen foods. Any thoughts on this?

Here are some pictures of her taken while she was out looking for the food. There's even a shot of her first bite! :) They're not the greatest shots, but it's the best I could get without stressing her out with the camera flash.




She is pretty. I would imagine frozen foods are safer than live feeders. Less chance of disease or parasites and the frozen is much easier to get and store.
brine shrimp have little nutritional value, so dont plan them as a permanent diet. beefheart can supposibly cause problems in the long run, if a fish consumes to much mammalian meat, it also accelerates growth rates of fish even more (believe me, they get big fast enough, and then you'll wish they were smaller)

i only feed my BGKs frozen bloodworms, i've never had a ropefish, but if they let you get close to them, try holding a cump to their mouth
Thanks everyone! I've always wanted a Ropefish, but decided to cut them from the stocking list before I started stocking my tank. Since then I started wantomg them again and after watching one die while trying to save it, I really wanted another much more! I'm not proud of myself for giving in, but I know that I'll do my best to give her a good home. I just hope she'll be happy here:) Who knew a fish could have this kind of an effect on someone. :lol:

I've been home for a few hours now and I've already seen her more today than I have since I got her. She's travelling all around the tank. I think she's finally feeling comfortable here which is nice to see!

Toirtis, I knw that you've raised several Ropefish reading some of your prior posts. What exactly is mysis shrimp and by pellets are you referring to the shrimp pellets that come in a can? Also, do you feed yours fish or live ghost shrimp? I've read they LOVE ghost shrimp and I have no problems feeding those to them. The only problem is how do you do a PWC with Ghost Shrimp in the tank. I'd be afraid of sucking them up with the python.

***** EDIT *****
I managed to get a full body shot while she was out and about. I'm hoping that this photo will be good enough for someone to tell me if this is in fact a female. Any thoughts?

(this is a large photo!)
GouramiFanatic said:
What exactly is mysis shrimp


and by pellets are you referring to the shrimp pellets that come in a can?

No, something far, far more nutritous: http://www.marinedepot.com/aquarium_fish_food_new_life_spectrum.asp?CartId=

Also, do you feed yours fish or live ghost shrimp? I've read they LOVE ghost shrimp and I have no problems feeding those to them. The only problem is how do you do a PWC with Ghost Shrimp in the tank. I'd be afraid of sucking them up with the python.

I have, but find it rather expensive, as my ropes can down 6-10 ghost shrimp each in a single night, so most of the time, instead of ghost shrimp, mine get frozen krill. As you can imagine, unless you dump in 50+ ghost shrimp, there probably will not be any left in 5-6 days, so sucking them up during a water change may not be an issue.
The honeymoon is over! I discovered today that my Rope has Ich. :( Luckily I'm finding it when it's just beginning, but it still stinks to see it back again. Although, I will say that this is only my 2nd battle with Ich since my 75 gallon tank was set up so I am actually pretty lucky in that sense. I'll be using the heat method to get rid of it. I hope the poor thing survives! I'll post updates.
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