A question about 2 "violeta" corys

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Aquarium Advice Addict
May 13, 2006
I have 2 corys that my LFS sold me as violeta corys. I believe the real name is Corydoras Similis. I also have 5 bronze corys in the tank. Now the bronze corys come out a lot of the time but the two violeta corys stay in hiding all of the time. I know they are ok because I see them hiding under the sponge filter even though there are plenty of caves they could hide in.

So, my question is should I get more violeta corys to make them feel more comfortable? I was under the impression the bronze corys would suffice as cory tankmates, but now I'm not so sure. I believe that they know they are different.
Alright, I'll get some more of that species when I see some. One of my bronze corys is definitely carrying eggs.
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