African Clawed Frogs Stinky Water

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Nov 10, 2012
How can I get rid of the bad smell in my aquirium? The water is not cloudy, the frogs seem completely fine, I just did a partial water change about a week ago. But the water smells horrible, like stinky gym socks :) Any suggestions?
do you use carbon filters. have you vacuumed the gravel. frogs put off a sent any way so try thease 2 things
I had the same problem, but I started running a carbon/sponge filter with a spray bar aimed at the glass to minimize water movement, and now the water is crystal clear and smells fine! I run it 12 hours on, 12 off and they don't seem stressed at all. Even singing now!
i would recommend using freshwater aquarium salt and a Nitrifying Bacteria Freshwater Aquarium Supplement.a Nitrifying Bacteria Freshwater Aquarium Supplement will filter out the toxic ammonia and nitrite created by fish waste this will help reduce salmonella and keep you frogs healthy. not sure the size tank you have but might want a bigger filter to.
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